Chapter 10

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He finally finished with me and left out of the room for dinner. I just closed my watered eyes and went into a deep sleep.

 "You are a fucking bitch, you hear me?" The mans voice echoed in my ears. I bowed my head as I burried my face into my legs in the corner. "You do as I say, or else."

"No!' I screamed as I pushed him down and got ontop of him. I was holding a knife to his throat. I looked at his face. Kennedy looked at me in fear but quickly smirked and changed into his wolf barring his yellow fangs at me. I changed into mine as well as I pounced on him. He went backwards and knocked against a wall. He was easily wounded and glared at me as I pounced on him, ending him easily. Cracking his neck I quickly got from ontop of him. I changed into my vamp form and glared at him, my red eyes boring into his souless body. Jake came behind me and smiled at me, telling me good job. I smiled at him as Jake had Theon's head in his hands. I did the honors in snapping his neck, Theon's face was blank, but horrified. We drop his body and escaped the hell hole, we used to call home.

I wake up breathing heavily, my dream was wierd but satisfying. I smiled evilly, wishing that it actually happened. An idea suddenly sprouted in my mind as I got up from that bed, I grabbed a peice of paper and pencil and scribbled down my plan. I glared down at it smiling, I rushed out of the room and went to Jake's. I knocked on the door gently, he came and opened the door, a bland smile came across his face. He spotted the peice of paper in my hands, he motioned for me to come in, I sat down on his bed and waited for him.

"What is it?" He asked me. I smiled and shoved the paper in his hands, telling him to read it. He looked over it and smiled.

"This can actually work Jay." He chanted happily. I nodded my head.

"Yes I saw it in a dream, I decided to write it down." I say, grabbing the paper from his hands and placed it on his night stand.

"When are we actually going to do this Jay?" Jake asked me eager as I was as well.

"When the time comes Jake, we will have to be patient, I plan on doing this on Theon's 19th birthday which is 3 months away." I say smiling.

Jake gave me the same expression as I gave him.

"We just have to follow along what they are doing." I concluded. Jake smiled and knodded his head. We looked in eachother's eyes and smiled at eachother. Jake came towards me and cupped my face into his hands. With out a word he pressed his soft pink lips to mine, I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. I got ontop of him and took off his shirt. His big green eyes bored into my red eyes, they were smiling. I smiled as I continued to kiss him. He got ontop of me and felt on my back. He took off my shirt. A vision just entered my brain, I pictured Jake as Theon, I saw Theon's face and black long hair hanging over me, pinning me down. I pushed Jake off of me and began to sob.

Jake put his arms around me but I pushed them off and buried my hands in my face.

"It's Theon isnt it?" He asked calmly. I nodded my head.

"He rapped me none stop, he beat me and bruise me up, even though I heal quickly, that doesnt mean my emotions have healed." I say as I began to sob even harder. Jake wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest.

" I wished I was there with you, when you were being dragged back into your room, I wished I couldve helped." Jake say in a small murmur into my ear. He kissed my head and rocked me back and forth with him.

"I will never hurt you the way Theon have, never in my life will I lay a finger on you to hurt you the way he did."

I nodded my head and breathed in his scent, knowing that I was safe with Jake for the time being, knowing that he was going to follow my plan no matter what, and in three months time we will be safe from every one, we will be safe from Kennedy and Theon.

Revenge (sequel to In love with a werewolf)Where stories live. Discover now