A Little White Lie || Pretending To Date (Adrienette)

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When Adrien gets home after Gorizilla, he watches the movie with his father but also gets bombarded with questions and worries. Clearly concerned with his son's media attention and the spread of lies, he bans him for going out on his own again. Will a few white lies help or hurt Adrien when his dad needs proof?

Entirely Adrien's POV

"But father," he whispered. His father shook his head, "Adrien, you heard me. The media is very dangerous, especially with your fame. It starts with a small lie about your classmate and grows into controversy."

How am I going to get out of this?

He scrambled for ideas, nothing coming to his head, except, "What lie?"

His father raised an eyebrow, "The idea that you and Marinette are dating, of course. Correct?"

Here's your chance Adrien, you have to do this. It's the only way to hang out with your friends. To be a teen.

Adrien suddenly felt a sharp bite in his side, Plagg. "Father, can you excuse me for a moment?"

His father had yet to answer, as he scampered off to his restroom. The bite leaving a sting, he knew Plagg wasn't messing around.

"Plagg," he scolded, once the door was shut completely. The kwami flew from his jacket, arms crossed.

"Look, kid, I usually agree with your stupid ideas, but this could really hurt Marinette, your first friend, remember?" The kwami retorted with a look in his eyes, Adrien had never seen before.

"I know this sounds bad," Adrien fumbled with his fingers, "-but maybe she doesn't need to know? It's just a little white lie."

Plagg scoffed, "You think your father is gonna believe it, kid? He'll need proof." Adrien paused, "But maybe he won't?"

Plagg groaned, "But what if he does, Adrien? You could ruin your friendship with Marinette."

Adrien felt a pang in his chest, sending an unfamiliar chill down his spine.

He couldn't lose Marinette.

But he also couldn't lose anybody else.

"Okay, how about this? If he wants proof, I'll take back the lie." Adrien spoke, convincing himself, as Plagg considered it.

"Alright, but whatever happens when you get roped into this mess," the kwami paused, "-don't blame it on me."

Adrien sighed, "You got it, buddy."

"Shut it," Plagg muttered, "-now go into your ultimate demise... and get me some Camembert!" Adrien shook his head, and walked back out into his quiet bedroom, seeing his father still seated.

"Father?" he spoke, trying not to let his voice show his nervous crack. His father stood, "Yes, Adrien?" He swallowed thickly, "What if I told you that it wasn't a lie?"

The silence that engulfed the room was chilling to the young model, something he had never really been used to.

His father stood, "Okay, then please, invite her over for dinner tomorrow." Adrien panicked, "Well actual-" his father interrupted, "And if I catch you lying, Adrien, you will never leave this house again. Understood?"

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