Maybe I was...wrong about you-Whomst Isthis x reader

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Reader pov

     I was sitting in my room, feeling like the world didn't even know what I was. A huge bang on my door interrupted what looked to be a perfectly horrible day. God who is it now? I think.


    "All right I'm coming God dang!" I shout to the knocker. I sit up and groan. My back felt stiff. Stretching as I walk to the door, I open the door to reveal Whodis. Not a soul knows his name, and I doubt he does either.

   "Whatdaya want you overexcited ball of energy?" I ask, noting that he is bouncing slightly. "Okokok, so I got the human paper currency! Wanna go eat? Ok good!" he grins and grabs my hand, dragging me away from my home giving me no time to answer. 

    As I am dragged down the street, I notice my best friend, or morail as he calls it, Tagora staring, extremely amused. "What is going on over there?" he calls in the short period of time I am within earshot. "We are going this way, and that is the extent of my knowledge," I call back.

      Eventually, we arrive at (random food place near you that you actually want to go to). Huh. I was going to come here for lunch anyway. I guess an hour early can't hurt. Whomst quickly drags me in and finds a place to sit. "Hum, (y/n)? Is this enough papery money stuff to get food? I shoulda asked before I stole you out of your house."

      I look down and notice the hundred dollar bill in his hand. 

       "WHOA WHOMST HOW THE FUCK DID YOU GET THIS?" I practically blow his eardrums out. "I found it on the seats at the show." "Heck yea it's enough! Dude this is great, thanks!" I grin at him. Then he frowns. "Whomst... what's wrong?" I ask.  He shakes his head. "Nothing! It's just that, I was wrong about you."


"I thought you were always sad and lonely," he shakes his head again, and his crazy hair bounces a bit, "but here you are, smiling like there's nothing to it. How do you act so well?"

"Oh, Whomst, I'm not acting. I usually seem sad because (pet you care about a lot) died recently and no one cares. Except Tagora. But he's not the consoling type."

"Oh my gog! (pet you care about and now probably hate me because I killed😰) died?! I didn't know! Why didn't you just tell me?"

"I told Mallek to. Guess he didn't care enough to make time to tell you. I would have but I was to torn down by my it."

         All of a sudden,  Whomst looked determined to do something. He did do something too.

      He bought $100 dollars worth of (favorite desert).

     //time skip brought to you by Gor-Gor//

       After we ate our fair share of (desert again), stored the rest, and went home to put the rest away, we sat down on my couch to watch a movie. It was Sweeny Todd: Demon Barber of Fleet Street. Whomst turned to me.

    "(Y/n), I wanted to tell you something. I.... I'm.. red" I gasp. At that moment, I realized I was in love with Whomst too.

   "Me too." He grinned wide. "Really?! AWESOME!" He swooped toward me, planted a kiss on my lips, and warped his arms around me.

"You know what?" I say.

"Hmm?" He replies.

"This is perfect."


Wow this took absolutely NO TIME FOR FUCKs sake I can't even anymore. Bai gaiz!

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