Elwurd x reader

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I looked over to the living room. My girlfriend, Elwurd, was sleeping on the couch. Her fluffy, cerulean hair was falling into her face, covering her closed eyes. I smiled at the sight. She didn't smirk in her sleep. She smiled genuinely. I turned back to the stove. The water was boiling, so I opened my pack of ramen and took out the flavoring packet, setting it on the counter. Then I turned the pack over, dumping the noodles into the pot. I momentarily stop narrating to chortle at how "noodles in" sounds like "noodle sin". Haha. I'm a fucking idiot.

As I stir the nearly-cooked noodles, I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. Fluffy hair tickles my ear as Elwurd lays her head on my shoulder. 
"What's cookin' good-lookin'?"
"Lunch because you ate my food."
"Bit it's was good!" She whines.
"But it was mine!" I whine back.
She nuzzles into my neck.
"Grrrrr whatever....."
I laugh a bit.
"Your such a child!"
She smacks the pot off the stove and into the sink, whips me around and pins me to the counter.
"I'm not a child. You're not either, sexy. But...Child sounds good." She leans down and bites into my neck. "How about..... we have one?"
Tonight is going to be an.....
Interesting night.

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