❤️Sweet Kicks and Piercings- Mallek x Foxneko! Troll! reader❤️

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//A/N real quick- Sorry dudes. I totally threw a Galekh in before I did Mallek or Tagora. SO I messed up. And here's a bit of Mallek before I move on.//

        I scurried through the alley leading up to my hive. I had to get there- FAST. I'm a bandit of sorts, and I just got a bit too ballsy. I decided to steal from a violetblood. Which would have been no big deal, for and expert robber like me. But I chose to skip all sorts of planing and went to snatch his stuff- WHILE HE WAS THERE. So, long story short, I was in a race against Imperial Drones. FOR MY LIFE!

        I made a sharp left turn, my fluffy tail swinging behind me. I was clutching the amethyst cat figurine close to my chest. But hiding a foot tall solid gem cat that glows is kind of difficult, if you know what I mean. I was so concerned hiding the unhideable when I bumped into someone. More like tackled.

       The troll jumped up, ready to fight. I mean, if you got tackled by someone getting chased by drones, you would too. So I didn't judge. What I DID do, was grab him (I could see it was a he now) and dragged him along behind me. I made a couple more turns before jumping into a basket, sweeping my tail to uproot the metal pole holding it, and shooting up into my treehive.

        The boy wrestled and flailed to escape my grasp, but is was no use. I was too strong for him. Once we were all the way up into my hive, I flung the boy onto my loungeplank and growled menacingly. He froze, noticing my (bloodcolor) fox ears and tail, tipped with (favorite color,and if you blood is your favorite color, second favorite color) and coated in dirt and dust.

     "If you even ATTEMPT to escape," I threatened, "I WILL disembowel you. And, if I'm not mistaken, you want all that blue blood IN your body, hm? Well Mr. Scorist, we have a deal? You stay and NOT rat on me, I don't kill you. Sounds pretty fair to me- how 'bout you?"

     He nodded slowly. "Good." Then I held the gem cat out at arms length and examined it. "Hmmm... this would look good on my dresser, don't you think, Blue Boy?" He stared. "Did you steal that from a seadweller?" He asked.

       "So what if I did?" I say, setting it on my coffee table and posing sassily, "got a problem with it, Cerulean?" He seemed to have finally gathered enough courage to sass back. "The name's Mallek. And you can cut it with the 'robber act'. You're probably just another street bandit that got too cocky, am I right" He smiled as if he hit a sensitive subject.

      So I play along. Not by his game. By MINE. "I'll admit, my last job I got a bit bold. But I got something out of it." I pointed to the amethyst cat, "and guess how much plannin' THAT took?" He smirked. "I wouldn't know. But probably half you life, huh?"

       Now it was my turn to smirk. "Not even close, Bub. None. Not even a hint of a game plan. And here I am, the cat's mine, and I haven't even lost a drop of blood. Can a simple "street bandit" pull that off?" Mallek looked stunned. "No planning? That would have taken even the best of the best at least a month! How'd you pull it off? And can I get your name?"

     I almost laughed at him. "The names's (y/n). And I did that by being stealthy and outfoxing my opponent. My lusus taught me the art of stealing. I'll call (him/her). AURORA!" Into my living room slunk a pure white fox lusus. (He/She) glanced at Mallek before disappearing completely.

     Mallek whipped his head back and forth, attempting to locate my lusus. Having failed to do so, he turned back to me, wide-eyed. "Where did it go?" he asked. "You sound pathetic," I shook my head, "and not 'it'. (He/She)." 'fine. Where did (He/she) go?"

     I smiled. "Aurora had the power to become invisible. As do I." He stared at me blankly. It was almost as if I suddenly started speaking another language, or maybe sprouted a second head. "You can become invisible? Then why weren't you when you kidnapped me?"

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