What Happened?! Karako x Shy! Suicidal! Reader

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                                         **HELP**Requested by @Sinful-Sans**Karako talks like [this]**

         This was it. Your end. You were sincerely tired of everyone's shit. Your mom thought you were a perfect little darling with a hundred-thousand chums. Your dad, on the other hand...

He was dead.

Because of you.

            You stepped up to the edge. You would fling yourself of the edge of the bridge. At least it would be painless. That's what people say. If you jump from something tall enough, it won't hurt when you hit the ground. But how can they know? Not like they could experience it.

Guess you were going to find out.

        You thought of all your ruined friendships. Your pets that ran away. That died. You thought about everything every bully ever said. You thought about your mom and her blind eyes. You thought about how your mom didn't know, and how she probably didn't want to. You thought about your dad.

What you said....

What he said.....

What had caused it.

         Then, you put a foot over the edge. The wind rushed past your ears for nigh a nanosecond. Someone had caught you by your wrist, but why? Without even looking at your mysterious saver, you thrashed about.

       "Let me go!!!" you scream, "can't you see this is what I want?!" Then, you thrashed some more. The person, however didn't let go. They were surely strong. But that was the OPPOSITE of what you wanted right now!!!!

"[You had better stop, sis, I'm gonna drop ya!]" Weird. This person... only honked?

And yet....

You could understand him.

You've seen worse.

"Yes!!! Drop me!" you cry, bringing your other hand up to flail around for a bit. After you realized what you could do, you brought it flying down in a stinging slap.

"[You meanie that hurt!!!!]" they honked.


"[I'm giving you payback. Come with me!]"

          Look what you did now. You were pulled up and came face-to-face with a clown... guy...thing. He grinned.

Putting you on your feet, he brought his lips to yours.




You, being shy as all fuck, squealed and pulled some hair into your face.

"[Payback.]" he honked, sticking a piece of paper in your trembling hand.

      Then, he left. You pulled the piece of paper to in front of your eyes. His phone number. He thought that good of you to save you, kiss you, then give you his phone number?!

"H-hey!" you yell-talk, "wh-wh-what's your name?"

He smiles,"[I would say guess, but I'll just tell you. I'm Karako Pierot. You are?]"

"(F/n) (L/n)."


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