Law Enforcement: Tagora x Reader

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**Sens1t1ve t0p1cs* *Near-rape* *sexual harassment* *tr1gger warn1ng**  //Requested by Okamisan7||

           As I walked down the street leading to my house, I pondered my latest predicament. My ex, (Ex's name), had been "flirting" with me.

It was completely unwanted and they knew that.

          Speak of the devil, here they come.

"Heyyyyyyyy, (y/n). How's my sexy soulmate?"

"I'm NOT your soulmate!! Stop calling me names, I hate it! Go away, (ex/n)."

"No way, Hon. You're mine, and you can't deny it."

"Yes, I can. I'm going to call the po-"

       (Ex/n)'s eyes narrowed dangerously and they clapped a hand over my mouth. "Shut UP, you brat! You are coming to my house, you are going to get in my bed, and you WILL. NOT. RESIST."

        Of course, right when i needed someone, anyone, no one was there to save me. (Ex/n) began dragging me by my (h/l) (h/c) hair. I whimpered in pain, wishing I had only taken the not-really-a-compliment and left. But now I couldn't. I grabbed at (Ex/n)'s strong hand and tried my best to escape, but to no avail. Suddenly, I hear someone yell.

"Stop right there, you fiend!"

       (Ex/n)'s head whipped to the side, scared and stunned. Standing there was a troll, dressed semi-formally. He was smiling smugly, as if Christmas had somehow come early. (Ex/n) stood me up quickly. "U-uh... hi um, this isn't what it looks like! I was just taking (Y/n) home!" The troll shook his head.

"And I suppose her struggling was not in fear or pain, but 'all in good fun', hmm?" He glared impatiently. (Ex/n) nervously chuckled. "Well, uh, Guy, you've got no proof! if I let her go, you can't prove anything."

The man laughed darkly.

   "Try me." 

         He held up a phone and smirked. "I recorded the whole ordeal," he stated matter-of-factually. I stared, hoping what the mysterious man said was true. (Ex/n) began to tremble. Then he suddenly dashed away. I watched them zip home, then turned to the troll man.

      His hard, cold eyes softened a bit. I felt my face burn as he smiled warmly. Then he held a hand out. "Hello, Miss. I apologize, but you understand why I had to let him do that, right? With this proof, you can put him behind bars. My name is Tagora, by the way. Tagora Gorjek." I smiled faintly. "I understand," I respond, "my name is (F/n) (L/n)."

    His eyes glittered. "Then it is in agreement! I'll help you press charges. for a small fee, of course." Suddenly, I felt a lot more confused than I had before. 


"A minimal fee, yes."

" much?"

       He pondered a moment. Then his cheeks and the tips of his ears began to turn a faint teal. "U-uh... $500 to start? Then... maybe, um, it will go up...?" He flushed darker. "O-or....." he shook his head, "never mind."

       He looked to the ground. I finally realized what he was potentially going to ask for, and I blushed. "W-wait...were you going to ask for... a... d-date...?" He blushed a dark teal. "Y-yes."

     I smiled. "Hold out your hand," I say. He looks confused, but does as I say. I pull a (color) pen out of my pocket and write my phone number on his hand. He realizes what that meant and smiled. "We'll work out the details over the phone tonight," he says, "and how we will put that fiend behind bars over the date." I smile at Tagora.

"Can't wait!"


Jegus, br0s. Th1s t00k f0rever! H0pe y'all l1ke 1t!

("^w^")_/ <Bye!!!

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