HONK HONK: Karako x Troll! Reader

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                                                          **What am 1 d01ng  anym0re?**Requested by Okamisan7**translat10ns w1ll be 1n [this] b/c he only honks**

        I was walking down the street on the way to my hive. I was wearing a (b/c) hoodie with the hood up and a black (skirt/pair of shorts). I was walking at a swift place, as it was almost morning and I didn't feel like being burned alive quite yet. I started thinking about my lusus, (Ls/n), and if she would need any food today. No, I decided, she ate earlier tonight.

        While I was lost in my thoughts, I bumped straight into another troll, and the both of us went tumbling to the ground. The other troll honked loudly upon impact with the ground. Great, a purpleblood.


         Somehow, I could understand him.

"Sorry," I say,"I should've been paying attention."

     He seemed to have calmed down, sighed, and stood up, offering his hand to me.

          "[What's a pretty lil mama like you doin' out so early?]" he asked. I flushed a faint (b/c). "I could ask you the same thing!" I say. He blinks, confused. "[I'm lost. I up and wandered off again,]" he honks in reply.

           It was then I noticed his belt of knives. As if he wasn't intimidating enough. He still had this childish aura though, and he was pretty adorable.

And he was lost this close to morning.

           No doubt he'd be painfully burnt to a crisp. He looked around for a moment, then his impending doom washed over him. "[Oh shit!]" He started panicking, but to Hell if I was going to let this precious baby die. He was too frickin' cute!!

        So I sigh, grab him by the hand, and give a small tug. "C'mon, my hive is that way," I say, "you can stay. Just don't make me regret it!"

I already sort of was. But with another backward glance at this precious child, I knew I wouldn't.

//timeskip cuz walking a block is boring//

      I opened my door to my hive, letting this kid in. I pointed to my loungeplank. "You can sit," I say. So he does just that, awkwardly. He glances up at me nervously.

I try to break the ice.

       "What's you name?" I ask. He grins. "[Guess.]"



                 Oh fuck this. Troll names are like someone took a keyboard and mashed it against their face! I was never going to guess it!!

"I'll guess three times," I say, "three times, and that's it!"

He grins.

"Ummmm...... Dedanx?"


"Hm. Balkit?"


He was having the time of his life.

"[One more guess, one more guess! Go go go!!]"

"How about...... Andrew Hussie?" I have no idea why I said that. It was almost as if someone was typing commands into a keyboard and making me say it? Nah. Impossible.

He laughs really hard for awhile. "[Nope nope nope! But that's a funny name! My name is Karako Pierot! Cool, am I right, Lil Mama?]" Geez that was a lot of honks.

          "Nice name," I say, "mine's (f/n) (l/n)." He smiles. "[Pretty name!]" I smile back. "Thanks!" Then I step to my TV and pull up some video games. He watches with obvious interest, so I toss him a controller. "Let's play."

          After awhile, the sun is good and risen, and I am good and tired. Karako's energy, which originally seemed inexhaustible, was spent as well. I stood up and turned the console off. Karako rubbed at his sleepy eyes. "[I'm tired....]" he honked softly. I nodded to him. "Me too, Kar." He stood up and trudged over to me. Then he hugged me. I stiffened, surprised. Then I noticed he had somehow fell asleep ON MY SHOULDER. How do you even do that?

        I had to maneuver him sideways, nearly dropping him once or twice, before finally picking him up bridal style. I Was about to put him on the loungeplank, but I decided against it. We were both too tired for a loungelank.

My recouprecoon together it seems.

       I lugged the sleeping Karako up the stairs to by respiteblock. Once we were finally in my respit block, I had to haul my- I mean what?- the sleeping troll boy into my recouprecoon. He was like a hundred-pound dead-weight!! I mean GOG he was heavy for such a small dude! 

          Once I heaved the cutie in, I climbed in after him. Right after I got comfy I started to fall asleep. Before I was completely out though, I felt Karako stir next to me. He turned toward me, and I childishly pretended to be asleep. He hesitated, then scooted through the slime toward me. He wrapped his arms around me, trying to be subtle. I smiled faintly.

"[I love you, (Y/n)]"

I grinned mischievously.

"I love you too, Karako."

          He jumped and nearly tumbled headfirst out of the sopor slime. "[HONKHONK!!!!]"

He didn't even say anything that time.




           Whatever that doesn't matter. Because I was laughing too hard. He cocked his head to the side. "[You were awake?]" I nodded happily. He slowly smiled back. "[So. You like-like me?]"

How childish can he be?

Answer: A lot.

 I nod anyway.

              He hugged me tightly. I hugged back, very excited. Then he kissed me. I kissed back. The kiss wasn't to hard, or too soft. It had just the right amount of intensity and passion. Finally, we broke apart for air. Well, he broke the kiss. He cuddled against me happily. "Sweet dreams, Karako." "[Sweet dreams, (Y/n)!]"

I think I found my matesprit!!!

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