Not done talking! Galekh x Troll! Fuchsia Blood! reader

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               I sat in my respitblock, next to my recuprecoon, on my loungeplank. I was bored out of my thinkpan. So I messaged one of my friends. 

''Hey Gal can you come over to my castle?''


''I'm booooorrrreddddd :(''

Fine. I shall be there in less thank ten minutes.


         I squealed excitedly. But I had to deal with a lecture before I could hang out with Galekh. He HATES when I call him Gal, message or otherwise. I just then notices how bad my room looked. So I called for one of my cleaning servants. "SIRIUS! RESPITBLOCK CLEAN PLEASE!!!" and, nearly instantaneously, I got a reply. "Coming M-M-Mistress!"

        Up the stairs bounded my golden-blooded servant, Sirius Mixtin. The only reason I hadn't mad him a battery was because he had gone blind in one eye. The left to be exact. He began to hop around the room, picking up here, scrubbing there, and soon was finished.

          I watched Sirius, and when he finished, I stopped him from leaving. "Go wait by the door, and open it only to Gal. Got it?" I ordered. "Yes, M-Mistress (y-y/n). Hopef-fully you d-dont mind m-my asking, but wh-why d-d-do you l-love to h-hang out with G-G-Galekh? D-don't you h-have a m-m-morail?" I froze at this question. Why DID I hang out with Galekh more than my own morail, Bronya?

"I...... I don't know, exactly. I just feel this.... odd pitter-patter whenever he's around me. I never want him to leave. It's as if, as if he's my will to live? I expect you understand that. Your matesprit is Faleik, right?"

"Yes. And I s-suspect y-you feel r-red for Galekh. I'll go a-and wait f-for him. Oh- and Mistress (y/n)?"


"I would tell him."

       Sirius flashed me a sympathetic, yet knowing, smile then walked away, slightly shaking his head. I thought I heard him mumble something along the lines of, "And I expected Galekh would die alone, talking forever in his grave."

        About two minutes later, a single knock echoed through my room, much like the crack of a whip. I shouted a simple, "ENTER", and in strutted Galekh. He gave me a pointed stare, and i remembered I had called him Gal earlier. "Oh..." was all I had time to say before he broke of into a rant about "respecting trolls' names" and "not calling him Gal".

" I do hope you will consider that next time you message me."


"I'M NOT FINISHED TALKING QUITE YET! As I was saying, I would prefer you call me by my name, Galekh, not Gal. Along those lines, ask before you nickname ANYONE, as it could upset them. And-"


"I'M NOT DONE! Anyhow, how would you like it if I called you (shortened version of your name. You also hate it btw)? That's what I thought. So-"




         This took Gal by surprise, as I never really shouted unless calling a servant, and I never insulted anyone, despite being an Heiress. "Um... yes?" I surpressed a giggle. He just looked so uncomfortable! This probably has never happened before, let alone from a friend. "GalEKH," I put an emphasis on the "ekh" part, "if you spend all the time talking, you won't ever hear what your fellow trolls have to say. And some may have some very interesting things to say. I understand your life is talking, and you enjoy sharing you seemingly endless knowledge. But I'm serious about this- listen. You'll learn so much more.

           " You'll learn about opinions, ideas, propositions, and more. You may learn something you don't know every day! Fun facts, names, or new books you haven't heard of. History, arts, music, poetry, technology. That's why I enjoy having you over so much. You teach me new things all the time. I love hearing you opinions, I try to use them to make Alternia a better place! I want to be a good empress. I'm not the Condesce. I actually try to help trolls, high and lowblood doesn't matter to me.

         "Hearing your views made something in my thinkpan go off. If I listen, rather than speak, I can see more, hear more, learn more. Much, much more. And that realization...that's why.... that's why I fell in love with you. Will you do me the honor  of being your Matesprit?"

           Galekh sat, stunned. He had never heard me speak so much, unless I was giving many orders at once, or getting mad at Trizza, my sister. He sat, quietly (which was new) for about ten seconds before stuttering out, "Y-you... really feel that way? I... I thought no one cared about my... lectures or opinions....." I felt hurt he hadn't even answered my question about being my Matesprit until- "and the honor couldn't possibly be yours, as it is already mine. Of course I accept."

        I smiled and giggled faintly. He, for the first time, opened his arms for an embrace. I launched myself into him and clung tightly to his back, laughing and crying at the same time. He hugged back, smiling. He laughed a tiny bit.

       "I didn't know you had it in you to lecture the lecturer!"


Oh my GOD dudes! This took for freaking ever! Dang lectures and arguments killed my brain!! Anyway, thanks for reading. Sorry for the crazy long fanfic.

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