Accidents Happen...-- Marsti Houtek x Reader

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You were walking down the street, a (fav drink) in your hand. You were hurrying and not really paying attention to where you were going. Suddenly you slammed directly into someone's chest. You were ricocheted off of them and flew to the ground, but, sadly, not before your precious (fav drink) in its cheap little paper cup was brutally murdered by being crushed between you and the other troll. 

The (hot/cold) liquid spilled everywhere, causing the troll you practically body slammed to shout in angry surprise. They grabbed you and yanked you from the ground, screaming into your face about how they had just washed their clothes the previous night. You stared silently into the troll's face, wishing she'd stop scaring you. You felt warm (b/c) tears start to form. When the burgundy blood didn't stop shouting, they began to fall.

 She noticed and her face changed from enraged to embarrassed and awkward. "I.....I-I......" you began shakily. She paused and started to shift uncomfortably from foot to foot. You stand, shaking uncontrollably, and pointed uncertainly towards the direction of your hive. "Y-you ca-han c-c-come to my p-place to cle-heen up I-if you want........." you offer nervously . The she-troll sighed and nodded, following you to your hive. This was probably more awkward for her honestly. You literally just doused some rando on the street with (fav drink) then started crying when they were rightfully mad at you. Well the least you could do was invite them to clean themselves up at your semi-close hive.


You arrived at your hive, unlocking it and inviting the troll inside. You gave her fresh clothing and showed her how to use your shower. Afterwards, to went to your room to clean it up a bit. You glanced outside, only to see the sun was rising. "Shit!!" You ran wildly around the house, yanking curtains shut to prevent any sun to get in. Honestly, you didn't feel like dying in agony from having your flesh melted off. 


That got dark.

Anyways, what was that sound? Oh yes. The other troll.

She wandered out of the bathroom, handing you her dirty clothes with a bit of aggression. You took them and looked into her face, "Oh, uh... clean them?" "Yes." "Okay. A-anyway, sun's up so...?" "I'm staying." "Okaaay..."

You watched the strange troll for a second longer, before slumping over to your loungeplank and flopping onto it "Aughhh.... What a day....." The strange girl followed you and moved your feet to sit, "Turn something on." "Dude, seriously? You're gonna just order me around  in my own hive?!"

She seemed surprised, "I wasn't trying to." You sighed "Well I can't, it's broken. Sorry. Guess you'll just have to deal with my annoying voice." "It isn't annoying." You felt your cheeks grow hot as you sit up and turn to face her, "it isn't?" She turned away, but you saw a dark red blush, "No. Anyways. What's your name?"




"I said my name was Marsti. Pleasure to meet you. I think we'll get along."

"Me too."

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