I love you till death do us part--Boldir x Reader

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I woke up, fearful and teary-eyed. That nightmare. Again. The petrifying scream of pure pain all but echoed through my head, the remains of the terror I have gone through once more.
The same nightmare. 
Every night.
The nightmare where she dies. She is torn...limb...from...limb......
And she is crying for me.
But I cannot reach her, the closer I get, the more pain brought upon her. But I cannot bring myself to leave her.
My dear, sweet Boldir.
My Boldir Lamati. 
My love.
My life.
I try to comfort her. But would you be able to be comforted, having watched your own arm torn from your torso? Would you be comforted, hearing the terrible ripping sound of flesh clawed apart?
Your flesh?
You would not.
So what makes me try?
I've not the sliver of a clue.....
But I try.
So here I am, chest heaving. I can't get her cries of pain from my mind. I cannot,  I cannot, I cannot.
But I try.
I.... I try a lot of pointless actions. I have no idea why so, but I try anyhow.
 Finally, I can calm myself. I take deep breaths, assuring myself it was only a bad dream. I may calm myself, but I certainly do not expel the screams. Boldir's cries echo continuously, making my head spin 
So I pick up my palmhusk and dial her number. It rings once, twice, thrice.... A total of six times before her voicemail kicks in.
I don't know what I expected. She never answers anymore.
Not since the drone tore her apart.

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