Karako x Suicidal!Reader pt. 2!!!

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Like DAMN this is highly overdue. Who agrees?? Requested by literally all of my fucking readers.

             It's been about four weeks since you've met Karako. And, to be honest, your life has really come together. You've made up with your mom, and stopped blaming yourself for............... what Dad did.

Who could've stopped it?

Certainly not you.

Or Mom.

Or......... nevermind.

                And anyway, you know this is cheesy, like a lot, but you've started to fall for the hyper clown-boy. 


            Speak of the devil, you invited him over today! You ran down the stairs like a fucking CHEETAH. Throwing open the door and tackled him, squealing. He hugged bck, honking happily. You were about to say,"Come in," when a loud meow echoed through your hallway.
It was your new coping-cat.
Her name was Houdini.
And she was adorable.
           Your mom would come visit, calling her Eviline. You would laugh watching Mom playfully poke her nose. Houdini would paw at her finger, mewing happily.
          You smiled at your precious fur baby. Your turned your head to Karako, motioning him to come in before you strutted over to your sweet kitten.
"Karako, meet my new kitty! This is Houdini!"
He smiled, but it didn't look at all genuine.
         Carrying your cat to the family room, you flopped down into your favorite seat, delighted when Houdini curled up on your lap. Karako followed, looking more and more agitated,
"[Why'd you get a cat?]"
"To cope with my depression."
"[But why not get therapy or call me?]"
"I needed someone here for midnight panic attacks."
"[You still coulda called me.]"
"I wanted a cat."
"[Oh. Ok.]"
           Karako was silent for a bit, before turning on a movie. It was Song of the Sea. You smiled, knowing it was a movie marathon kind of day.
         After watching all of your movies, you lay staring at the celing, listening to Karako's peaceful breathing. Slowly, you fell into a deep slumber.

Dad get out of my room!
"Sweetie I have to go on a trip for a couple days, would you at least hug me goodbye?"
No get out! I hate you!!!!
"Goodbye, darling. I'm sorry I bothered you. I love you."
Then he left.
And was found dead in a hotel room.
Police said it was suicide.
You blamed yourself.
'Oh god... if only I wasn't so cruel to him! He would be here and he would be happy. We would be family!!!' You thought to yourself.
To you, it was indirect murder.
It was all your fault.
To you.

          A crash woke you up. You were quite grateful. It was that dream again.
            Stepping into the kitchen, you notice a half-naked Karako pointing at a very confused and concerned Houdini.
"[Dumb kitty you took the sexy mama with your cat-charm  magic!]"
"[Yes you did! Don't lie, Houdini-kitty!]"
          It was all you could do not to laugh. Karako was arguing.
With a cat.

        Eventually you couldn't hold it in anymore. Laughing as hard as you could, you pointed at a stunned Karako and doubled over.
"Y-y-youre  arguing w-with a fucking CAT!"
You laugh harder. After some time you calm down.
        Taking Houdini in one arm and pulling Karako close with the other, you lead them back into the living room. Sitting on the couch, you snuggle with your cat and Karako for hours before you fall asleep. Before you do, however, you hear him mumble, "[I love you, (y/n).]".
You smile, your once lonely life complete.
"I love you too."

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