chapter five .

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"So it's okay if we exchange numbers then? You know, to communicate about the project and whatnot."

"Yeah...that's fine."

"You sure? I'll warn you beforehand, I'm probably gonna have a lot of questions."

"'s okay."

"Also, if I get too annoying, I won't be offended if you just mute my texts. Even Jungkook says I text too much, so like, I'd completely understand."

Yoongi's hands shook as he inserted his number into Jimin's phone, and watched as Jimin did the same with his phone. He couldn't recall what the two of them had said that led up to this happening, but he had a feeling that even if he did, he would still be confused. Lately confusion was the only thing Yoongi could really comprehend.

"There." Jimin smiled and tapped at his screen. "I'm gonna save your contact name as something cute. Do you have any nicknames, Yoongi?"


"Yeah." He paused for a moment, looking thoughtfully into space. "Ah...I think I remember your friend calling you something cute at the coffeeshop. What was it?" He smirked. "Baby?"

Yoongi's pale cheeks grew several, noticeable shades redder. His instinct was to give the boy's arm an admonishing slap, but he quickly locked his hand in place, reminding himself that it was not Namjoon doing the teasing. And besides, he didn't really want to hit Jimin anyway. Who would ever want to hurt such an angelic person?

"I wanted to ask you about that, by the way..." Jimin's voice trailed off and his gaze wandered. Yoongi stared back at him, puzzled.

"About what?"

"Are you and know..."


"Are you two dating?"

Had he a drink in his mouth at the time, Yoongi would have surely sprayed it all over Jimin's poor, unsuspecting face due to shock alone. Instead, to express this shock, Yoongi could only knit his brows together and widen his eyes a bit. Even then, he felt the need to clarify his feelings verbally.

"Why on earth would you assume that?"

"Well, him calling you 'baby,' for starters." Jimin stifled a laugh. "And I don't know, you do seem fond of him."

"He's my best friend," Yoongi blurted, so as to end the misunderstanding right then and there. "Best...friend. So of course I'm fond of him. But not...I mean, not like how you think. He was just messing with me."


"Yeah. He does that. He's kind of the worst person ever."

"I see."

"And not my boyfriend."

"Not your boyfriend?"

"Not my boyfriend."

Silence. Jimin's lips twitched.

"Um, well, it looks like Tae's getting impatient waiting for me." He scratched his cheek nervously. "Think I see Namjoon waiting over there for you, too."

Yoongi glanced over towards the classroom door. Their last class had ended, and yet he was still here, all because Jimin had requested them exchanging numbers and whatnot. And now he could see Namjoon leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed, a suspicious eyebrow raised in silent question. On the other hand Taehyung wasn't ready to keep his thoughts silent.

"Hey, Jiminie, are you done talkin' with your boyfriend?"

He rested an arm on Jimin's shoulder.

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