chapter eleven .

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Yoongi blinked, and he was there. At the entrance of a grand shopping mall, standing between Namjoon and Jimin, watching as Taehyung came racing towards them, and knowing that two more would be arriving soon. Six people in total. Six, including himself. And none of the five others were his relatives. Yoongi could feel his stomach churning.

"Jiminie!" Upon reaching the group, Taehyung threw his arms open wide and hugged Jimin tightly, not letting go until he heard muffled complaints about not being able to breathe. Taehyung beamed happily at his friend. Then, with a slow and dramatic turn of his head, he looked at Yoongi and Namjoon. "Oh," he deadpanned, voice deep, "you guys are here."

"Tae, I told you they'd be." Jimin lightly tapped his friend on the head. "Also, don't be so mean."

"I was only kidding," Taehyung insisted, and he opened his arms again and stepped towards Yoongi, who immediately got into a defensive pose. Namjoon snorted.

"Tough luck trying to get a hug out of him," the blond said, jabbing a thumb in Yoongi's direction. "I'm his best friend, and he hardly even lets me hug him."

"Sad life you must live," Taehyung said with a pitiful shake of his head. "Jimin and I hug all the time. It's my life source."

"Tae, oh my gosh, you're so dramatic."

"I'm not being dramatic, Jiminie, it's true."


Who should interrupt the boys' engrossing conversation but Jung Hoseok, who, upon spotting Yoongi from afar, bounded towards the group, his vibrant rainbow sweater making him stand out even more than his unparalleled personality already did. He scarcely managed to stop himself before running into anyone. Namjoon threw up his brows, eyeing the boy from head to toe, as if inspecting him. Then he leaned over to Yoongi.

"What's with you and finding hot friends? You're on a lucky streak."

Yoongi elbowed him in the side.

"Okay, ow. "

"So are we ready to go now then or what?" Taehyung placed his hands on his hips and looked around, counting the heads of the group. "...five."

"We're still waiting on Jungkook," Jimin reminded him. "I told you six." He held up six fingers. "How bad is your memory?"

Taehyung rested a hand on his chest, pouting. "Hurtful..."

"I'm here!!"

As if overhearing the mention of his name, Jungkook called out to the group from afar, waving his hands at Jimin, who then began gesturing him over as soon as the two made eye contact. He walked briskly over to them, unintentionally showing off how good his long, slim legs looked in black skinny jeans. He spotted Namjoon and Yoongi and was pleasantly surprised. Then his gaze moved over to Hoseok. And finally to Taehyung, who drew the biggest smile from him without even knowing.

Hoseok, being the incredibly friendly, fun-loving guy that he was, struck up a conversation with Jungkook straightaway, despite the two not knowing each other very well. Yoongi's name was brought up not ten seconds later. He tried to disappear behind Namjoon, but the mint-haired boy's friend wasn't about to let him do that, instead casually walking in a semi-circle over to Taehyung to "compliment" him on his sunglasses. Yoongi glared daggers.

"So, Yoongi, what do you want to do first?"

"Huh?" He looked suddenly to the two boys in front of him, puzzled to find them both staring at him attentively now. Soon, Taehyung, Jimin, and Namjoon were looking at him too. Yoongi tensed up. "W-wait, am I deciding? Who decided that?"

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