chapter thirteen .

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"It's about time. I was thinking about leaving you behind."

"Ah, c'mon you wouldn't do that, Yoongs."

"I would. I was about to, actually. You're lucky you got here before I walked home and stole your car."

"Yoongs, you can't drive..."

He complained, but he didn't really mean it. Although Yoongi would never admit to Namjoon that he had been talking with Jimin in his friend's absence, and how much he had enjoyed it, too.

He especially wouldn't make mention of the little "hand-touching" incident either. Yoongi himself was trying to pretend that had merely been in his imagination. For the safety of his own fragile heart, naturally.

As they had planned, Yoongi and Namjoon set out for the shopping plaza after, of course, stopping home to change out of their uniforms and drop off their book bags. Soon enough the two friends were on the road, destination set for an absolutely gorgeous part of town where Yoongi could already feel his favorite coffeeshop beckoning him. The weather was perfect. Warm, but not too warm, being early spring which was Yoongi's favorite time of year when it came to the temperature. He was satisfied riding with the window down, staring out at the passing scenery without saying a word. Namjoon was blasting Jin's latest album whilst belting the lyrics, and Yoongi didn't even mind. He snorted every time his friend's voice cracked at the high notes. And with Namjoon's jesting encouragement, Yoongi was even persuaded to sing along too, because at this point he knew the lyrics almost as well as Namjoon did. And it was nice. Riding in this car every now and again. Namjoon didn't take it to school because it drew too much attention to himself, and it wasn't that he was shy or anything, he simply didn't want anyone trying to be his friend for something so stupid. On top of that, Yoongi probably wouldn't like it, and school wasn't that far from their houses anyway, so there really was no point in driving there.

An hour and a half went by and Namjoon parked in the lot of the plaza. He and Yoongi climbed out of the vehicle, looked at each other, then headed straight for the coffeeshop, The Golden Spoon. This was only their third time coming here. But their first time coming alone. The last two years, Namjoon's older sister had taken them since Namjoon didn't have his license then, and she would always accompany them to the coffeeshop before going her way to let the two friends spend the rest of the day by themselves. Then, when they were ready to go home, she would meet up and drive them back like the kind, responsible adult that she was. Yoongi was quite fond of her. Not in a romantic way, but rather in the sense that he saw her as the older sister he never had.

Namjoon held open the door for Yoongi. Grinning, he whispered, "After you, my king," proceeding to follow his friend in who went straightway to an empty table instead of going to the counter to order. Namjoon stared quizzically at him.

"There's a line," Yoongi responded, digging his phone out of his pocket. "You can wait. I'll have a double espresso."

The blond deadpanned. "Cream and sugar?"


So he went to stand at the back of the relatively long line of customers while Yoongi smirked to himself. He turned his phone on.

You have 9 new messages from Hoseok.

You have 3 new messages from Jungkook.

You have 4 new messages from Jimin.

You have 2 new messages from an unknown number.

Again? Yoongi muttered under his breath. If I find out Joon gave my number to some dude in his class I'm gonna strangle him.

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