chapter twenty-three .

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July 13

You have 12 new messages from Joonie.

You have 6 new messages from Hoseok.

You have 3 new messages from Jungkook.

You have 4 new messages from Taehyung.

You have 5 new messages from Jimin.

You have 2 new messages from Seokjin.

It was honestly such a strange and overwhelming feeling for Yoongi to wake up to this. Had these people no better thing to do than text him first thing in the morning? Well, he expected it from Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jimin by now, but the other three still puzzled him. Especially Taehyung. Yoongi still wasn't used to talking with Tae on friendly terms and yet, every time the boy texted him, only nice words were spoken, as though those first three months of hostility had dissipated the very moment Taehyung delivered his heartfelt apology.

Yoongi propped himself up in bed and read the messages with just a hint of reluctance.

Joonie: heeeeyyy how's my favorite boy doing

Joonie: smth I gotta tell u yoongs ol buddy ol pal

Joonie: my sis

Joonie: my darling sis Sungha

Joonie: she's got this new line of clothes yeah, specifically for teenagers, young adults and whatnot

Joonie: but get this she's asking me to model the clothes

Joonie: *forcing

Joonie: she's a little devil

Joonie: a 6 foot little devil

Joonie: anyways long story short she's also making me bring u along cuz she thinks you'd look stunning in the clothes

Joonie: and get this she's telling me i can invite any of my other friends to come along

Joonie: so guess who I invited

Yoongi: u didn't

Joonie: I did

Yoongi: I'm not going

Joonie: yoongs u have too

Yoongi: no way

Joonie: she's going to pay us of course

Joonie: and besides, Yoongs, don't u care about my sis?? she's practically ur sister too

Yoongi: tell her I said I'm sending my sincerest regrets

Joonie: I'm gonna pick u up in like twenty minutes ok

Yoongi: are u an idiot

Joonie: <33 see u soon yoongs bby u da best

There were times Yoongi seriously considered murdering his best friend. Groaning internally, he opened Jimin's messages next.

Jimin: yoongi namjoon just invited me to model with him??

Jimin: im so confused but also this is so cool

Jimin: I had no idea his sister was a clothes designer •o•

Jimin: this is actually kind of exciting I've nvr done smth like this b4

Jimin: he said ur coming too??

Yoongi: he'll have to drag me by my feet if he wants me to come out of my house

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