chapter nineteen .

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The evening was approaching. With the event of the tide coming in, the people still occupying the beach saw this as the perfect time to leave and go to the festival, which was to take place on the pier. It had already begun. Even from a distance the chattering of cheerful visitors could be heard, along with the screaming that accompanied the thrill rides of the nearby amusement park.

Right now, Yoongi was sitting at the far end of the beach where he knew the water couldn't reach him. Jimin was there next to him, also sitting on the sand, and he was hugging his legs, chin resting on his knees. Yoongi had a towel draped over his shoulders. Under that he wore a light sweatshirt that Hoseok had apparently brought along and happily offered to his friend in need. But Yoongi didn't need it anymore. He wasn't all that cold. Still lightheaded, though, and he felt a little strange, but he did his best to ignore that and the lingering taste of salt in his mouth.

Jimin had been silent for a while. It was so peculiar. A bit uncomfortable, too, and that was coming from Yoongi, the grumpy boy who typically got annoyed when people weren't silent.

"...did you want to head up to the pier now?"

Jimin lifted his head abruptly, wide eyes vividly expressing his surprise at hearing these words. "The pier?" He repeated in question. "You still want to go?"

Yoongi paused. "Why do you sound so-"

"You nearly drowned today," Jimin said. His brow twitched in aftermath of the traumatic experience. "I'd think you would be eager to go home and rest or something, not-"

"Jimin, if I wanted to go home, I would have done so already."

The orange-haired boy's shoulders sunk.

"No, don't get all dejected on me now. What's your deal?"

"Yoongi, you almost gave me a heart attack back there. Give me a break."

"That was an hour and a half ago. You've had your break. Now do you want to go to the festival with me or not?"

"Wouldn't you rather go with Namjoon?"

"Wouldn't you rather go with Taehyung?"

"I'm fine going with you."

"Well, so am I."



A chuckle was drawn Jimin's mouth, something that, for some reason, greatly relieved Yoongi. He smiled to himself and looked at the sand. Then at Jimin. The boy's eyes still looked red, showing traces of the tears which had earlier stained his cheeks. Yoongi still couldn't believe that Jimin had cried so hard for his sake, and so seeing those traces caused a slight pain to form in his chest.

From within the small backpack Yoongi had brought along with him his phone vibrated. Curious, he took it out and quickly checked what the vibrating was about.

Joonie: hey yoongs, i'm so freaking sorry i didn't come back, jin dragged me to the amusement park and i didn't have it in me to tell him 'no, not now, we're supposed to be buying food then going back to join the others' bcuz he looked so excited and im weak, u know that

Joonie: he's in the bathroom rn thats the only reason i actually have time to text u

Joonie: anyways, did u want to hang out at the festival as a group? or would it be uncomfortable with a group of 7 on top of the crowd that's already here...

Joonie: cuz if u want, I'll try to explain it to jin, im sure he won't get offended if i tell him my best friend wanted to hang out w/ me, i mean he and i spent the last two hours together after all

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