Chapter 5

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When I got home Allison waved goodbye and left in her car. I can't believe she called me her friend. Now I definitely don't have a chance, this is going to be harder than I thought. I walked inside my house and noticed my dad wasn't home.
I made my way to my room and lied down on my bed. What else can I do to tell Allison how I feel? I got knocked out of my thoughts when I got a text message. It was a forwarded message sent to all students of Beacon Hills that the spring fling is near to find a date to the dance and have fun for the end of the school year dance.
I sat up quickly. I have to get Allison to fall in love with me before Lydia asks me to the dance. Shit! If Lydia asks me it's going to be the same thing that happened last time. Allison is never going fall in love with me if I just stay home. But I should give her some space. I even need space after she just called me her friend, I mean that's a step right? We can't just start dating right on the first time hanging out. Although I totally wouldn't mind that. Who am I kidding we have to be friends first.
As I looked outside it was beginning to clear up. I wanted to go clear my head but not at the studio. At a arcade.


I parked my car and walked inside of the arcade. There weren't that many people. I thought I saw Allison there but I guess I was just seeing things. I walked over to the pac-man machine and started to play. After I beat the first level I waited for the next round. I felt thirsty so I just left the game and walked to the food court. Walking to it I grabbed a soda out of the fridge and walked up the stand.

"Hey, oh. Oh my God do you follow me everywhere?" I asked the Genie.

"No, well. Kind of, how is my client working out? Did you get the girl yet?"

"No, she called me her friend. But I mean that's a start right? And can I get hot dog?"

"Well, friend is a start but, you have to want more don't you? Because I didn't want to tell you this because I was hoping I wouldn't have to but... If you don't have her fall in love with you by the dance, you will disappear for messing with the past. You will be erased from existence and I'm pretty sure before you came here when you were married to Lydia you felt cold and not getting any warmer? Well, you will start to feel like that again and when you do... You better hope she feels something for you or I'm sorry but you will disappear but there's a chance everyone will still remember you but just think you vanished." Deaton warns me with a calm serious tone.

"Well, if I would've known if I was on for a death wish I wouldn't have ever shakes your god damn hand." I grunt crossing my arms.

"But if she says as much as I love you or shows any kind of love towards you by the dance then well. I'll let you figure that out if that happens. It's just on you no one else. Get the girl Stiles before it's too late for you. You have a whole month to get her to fall for you. Oh and here's your hot dog."


After my crazy conversation with Deaton. I had to go home and think this through. Should I tell someone? No I should figure this out on my own. What if I set up a candle light dinner? No that's too much. What time is it? Ah, it's only seven in the afternoon. I think I wanna thank Allison for hanging out with me today. I'm going go pay her a visit at her house.
I walk outside to my Jeep. I climb in then drive to her house. I know where she lives because we're all a circle of friends. I don't think she'll find it weird me showing up because she showed up at my house unexpectedly. I hope she's okay with me there. I mean friends can hang out right?
I parked in front of Allison's house then I breathed in and out then walked up to her house and knocked on her door. Mrs. Argent opened the door and then I smiled.

"Hi Mrs. Argent. Is Allison home?"

"Yes, wow Allison has a lot of friends. She's upstairs. Go right ahead."

"Thank you." I say. Friends again ugh.

I shake it off and walk upstairs I hear Allison's laugh then I frown. Who is there with her? As I walk in front of her door that's open my heart sinks.
Scott is with her sitting on her bed and their so close she's basically sitting on his lap. They were laughing so much till Allison noticed someone was standing in front of her door and her smile faded.

"Oh, Stiles." She said.

"Hey, man." Scott mumbled looking annoyed.

"Oh, I'm sorry to interrupt I just wanted to say Allison, thanks for hanging out with me today. I'll just be on my way out." I go to leave but Allison stands up. This is too much to handle after what Deaton just told me I feel like to burst into tears.

I walk into the hallway and Allison grabs my hand. Even in the most stressful moments her touch sent shivers up my spine.

"Stiles? Are you okay?" She asked still holding my hand.

I look down at our hands and stroke my thumb across her hand, "Yeah, I'm fine I just I have to go." I say and let go of her hand. I walk downstairs and out of her house.
This time it's dark again. It's like the universe knows when I'm happy and sad. I got in my Jeep and clenched the wheel then punched it and ran my fingers through my hair. I look at her house then her window and leave quick before she or Scott would come outside to talk to me. This is pure torture. Maybe I should have stayed with Lydia. But she's amazing but I just wasn't happy, I'm not happy now either but hopefully that'll all change.


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