Chapter 7

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I wake up after four hours and slowly open my eyes. I look to my side to see no sign of Allison. I groan and sit up, when I look to my right I see a note on my desk.

"Stiles, I had a nice night. We should do this again sometime. But I'm not sure how I feel, you're going to have to try a little harder if you really do have feelings for me. Sincerely, Allison Argent."

I smile at the note. She's right. She can't just fall in love with me out of no where. I can't decide what my next move should be then I realize I'm going to be late for school. Well, I am already late for school. I throw on some clothes and grab my book bag then head outside to my Jeep.

I make it to school then head down the hallway to first period. I look inside and see it's no longer period one so I just go to my next class. The Halls are empty and I decide I should stop by the vending machine to get a snack since I didn't eat breakfast. I take out a dollar then press B7 for Skittles. It comes off the thing then falls and I reach down to get it. When I come back up I turn then jump.

"Holy sh- wow you freaking scared the life out of me there." I said to this short brown haired girl.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She laughs with a big bright white smile. "I was just here to buy some M&M's, first day of class is so boring." She adds as I move out of the way.

"First day? So you just moved here? What's your name?" I asked standing next to her.

When she got back up getting her M&M's she opened her mouth, "I am Malia Tate." She mentioned holding out her hand.

"Malia? Wait! I remember you! You and I used to build sand castles all the time when we were little then you moved. It's me Stiles Stilinski!" I say with joy.

She scoffs with a big smile again, "oh my God I remember! Wow! You look- great!" She says.

"You do too!" I mention.

"Wow, it feels so good to know someone in that school. So what class do you have?"

"I have Mr. Lynn." I mention.

"Oh my God me too! Let's go! He is a crazy one."

"Yeah no kidding." I laugh.


I walk to the arcade with Malia to show her around Beacon Hills to refresh her memory. We walk inside and I tell her to wait by the Pac-Man machine while I get us a soda. I take out my wallet and walk up to the guy and notice it's Deaton. I keep forgetting he's like my guardian angel who always follows me.

"What's up Deaton? Can I get two soda-"

"Who's that?" He asks. "Is that Malia?"

"Oh, yes, how do you know her?"

"I know everything Stiles and I also know she can ruin your plans to get Allison to fall in love with you?"

"Malia? No we're just friends I don't feel that way with her we've been friends since we were little." I mention.

He shakes his head then gets me two sodas and comes back with them, "Stiles this is serious. It's already May 11th the dance is in a couple of weeks. You can't make a girl fall in love with you that quick if you're not spending time with her." He mentioned punching in in numbers on the register.

"I got it under control okay? Here keep the change." I say then walk away. I walk to Malia who looks at me smiling.

"I beat this guy named Patrick's high school in Pac-Man! Ooh! Soda my fave!" She says and takes the drink.

I smile then lean against the machines next to Pac-Man as she continues to play. I don't know if I should really worry about what Deaton said. I walk over to look out the window and see it's starting to get dark out. When I turn back around her arms shoot up in the air.

"Whoo! Won again man I missed this town! Give me a hug!" She says and grabs me into a hug.

"Woah, okay." When I look up I see Deaton cleaning tables and looking straight at me shaking his head. I realize he isn't kidding about all of this.

"Malia, I should get going can you maybe find a ride home?" I ask pulling away from her.

"Oh yeah sure I have to go see my dad at his job anyways. Thanks for hanging with me, we should do this again sometime." She smiles before leaving me. I watch her go then sigh.

I walk outside and go in my Jeep. I want to go home but for some reason I feel like going to the ice rink. I drive to the rink then park. I walk inside and see it's empty and it looks like their just about to close.

"Hey man we're about to close. But if you want to skate there's some someone left on the ice go ahead and get them, ride for a few until I finish my lunch. After that, get out." The man mentioned.

I just nodded my head. When I walked over I grabbed the skates and sat at the bench and then put them on then went on the rink. I was a little bad at first then I got the hang of it. I closed my eyes and let the rink take me. But then I didn't see where I was going so I almost ran into the wall till I stopped myself and fell but my hands touched the floor so I can save my face from smashing into the ice. I catch my breath then let my head hang until I heard cracking. When I looked by my hands I noticed the ice was cracking.

"Shit." I got back up slowly then noticed it was cracking more. Fuck!
I started to skate away when till the ice was cracking wherever I was going.

"Hey! Hey! Help! The ice is cracking!" I yelled not knowing where to go."

I heard the man swear then he came over running to me. "Kid. The ice looks perfectly fine there's no cracks."

What? I asked myself. When I looked down it looked fine no cracking ice, he was right. "What the hell?"

"Look man, you gotta go. I have to close up."


When I made it home I stared up at the ceiling. I slowly brought my hand to my face and examined it. Was this a mind trick? Did Deaton know this was going to happen? Am I already disappearing slowly? I have to get Allison to fall in love with me sooner than I thought. And Malia cannot stand in the way of my love for Allison. If that's what Deaton thinks then he must be right if Malia has feelings for me. I can't let that happen.


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