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       Ryoken was in front of Den city elementary school surround by kids. Why? Well, because Yusaku insisted Ryoken to walk him at school. The kids were around Ryoken sparking and asked:

- Such beautiful oniisan. Are you Yusaku-kun's big brother? Wanna be my big brother?

Ryoken gulps ,,How did I end up like this?!" Suddenly he felt arms around his waist. He looked down only to see pissed off Yusaku yelling:


One girl asked:

- Why, Yusaku-kun?

Yusaku answered:

- He's my beloved husband, so If you dare to touch him I'll kill you all!

One boy asked:

- Husband? You wanna get married with your oniisan?

Yusaku bites lips answering:

- He'e not my oniisan. He's my beloved husband! Only mine!

Another boy asked:

- Can he be my husband as well?

Yusaku answered:

- No, he's mine! No touchy!

The boy said:

- Eeeh such selfish of your side, Yusaku-kun... I wanted to play husband and wife with him as well...

Ryoken sighs blushing ,,Now, I feel like a stuffed toy..." He said:

- Well, I'll pick you up later, Yusaku.

Yusaku said:

- You forgot something, Ryoken.

Ryoken rose his eyebrow asking:

- What?

Yusaku answered:

- Kiss! You need to kiss me!

Ryoken blushed asking:

- H-Hai?!!!!

Yusaku said:

- Hurry up, kiss me!

Ryoken blushes and kisses his cheek saying:

- If you'll be good boy, I'll give you more kisses.

Yusaku blushes sparking happy and said:

- Yes, Ryoken!

Then he left at the school happy. Ryoken sighs in releaf and said:

- Father... You'll pay for this one day... But, having cute groom like Yusaku... Is nice...

He smiles and walks towards his university thinking of his beloved Yusaku and touches his lips with his finger saying:

- His cheek was so soft... I wanna kiss his lips as well...

He panics saying:

- Wah I sound like pervert now... But still... I might fall for you, Yusaku Fujiki.


I hope you like it...

Next chapter is coming soon... ^^

Arranged marriage?! Child YusakuxAdult Ryoken (Yu-Gi-Oh Vrains)Where stories live. Discover now