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Yusaku finished with his school and he rushed smiling happy towards the gate with hope that Ryoken will wait for him. When he reached to the gate, Yusaku looked left-right and he was disappoint. His beloved husband didn't came to take him from school. Yusaku frowned and walked alone sighing. While he was walking home, Yusaku passed by one coffee shop only to see Ryoken. He smiles happy when he noticed one woman with him. ,,Who's this oneesan? Why is she with my Ryoken? Don't tell me... She's his girlfriend... No no, Ryoken loves boys, not girls... But she's beautiful... Maybe she seduced him.."  Yusaku thinks and he felt hurt in his chest. ,,What is it this feeling?" He bites his lips and rushed home with teary eyes. The only thing he didn't knew is that Ryoken was actually meeting with his old friend and doctor, Kyoko Taki.

- I see. So you're with 10 years old boy. - Kyoko giggles.

Ryoken blushes saying:

- It's not funny dr. Taki! It's all my father's fault... I ruined that boy's childhood... I'm terrible person...

Kyoko sighs saying:

- Ryoken-sama. You seem to like that boy. You didn't ruin his childhood, you'll make it better, trust me. Give him a chance to show you that you're wrong. He's still little, but he's human as well. I bet he loves you, since kid's love is always true and pure. Don't make him sad.

Ryoken stand up saying:

- Thanks, dr. Taki. Waah I'm late to take him from school... Dammit...

He whines. She giggles saying:

- But, you love the boy.

He smiles and leaves. In Yusaku's dark room, Yusaku was laying on the bed with tears on his eyes and looking at his tablet and types ,,How to make my husband only mine?"


I hope you like it...

Next chapter is coming soon.. ^^

Arranged marriage?! Child YusakuxAdult Ryoken (Yu-Gi-Oh Vrains)Where stories live. Discover now