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Little Yusaku was walking at school happy. He got somehow used to his new school. He got two friends named Takeru and Jin. Yusaku saw them saying:

- Morning, Takeru, Jin.

The purple haired boy greeted:

- Ah it's Yusa-chan.

Takeru smiles saying:

- Let's go at school.

Yusaku said:

- Yes. I hope my love will come today to see me agian. I really miss him.

Jin asked:

- Wow Yusa-chan you got lover?

Yusaku answered:

- Actually... He was my fiancé. We were supposed to get married, but mom came on the wedding day and she took me away... I know... Our marriage was arranged, but truly I felt in love with Ryoken... I really love him...

Takeru smiles saying:

- I see... But, that guy is way to old from us... But, I read once that the true love doesn't know for age. If you love him and he loves you, you two should be together. You two are soulmates.

Yusaku sparks saying:

- Soulmates. That sounds so cool.

Takeru said:

- Yes. It's so romantic. One day I'll find my soulmate as well.

Jin giggles asking:

- Me too, but say, after you see your lover wanna go in the park and play? Niichan bought me new car.

Yusaku sparks saying:

- Sure, Jin. We can play in the park with the new toy.

Takeru giggles saying:

- Yes, we'll have race. I wont lose.

Yusaku said:

- Those are my words, Takeru.

Jin giggles saying:

- You two are so naive~

They giggle happy compalining who'll win the race, while they walked at school. After all they were still 10 years old kids.


I hope you like it...

Next chapter is coming soon...^^

Arranged marriage?! Child YusakuxAdult Ryoken (Yu-Gi-Oh Vrains)Where stories live. Discover now