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As the days passed, Ryoken was locked in his room. He was really depressed. He wanted to see his beloved Yusaku. But, he can't. Yusaku moved on to live in another town. Ryoken was hugging his pillow and whines saying:

- Yusaku...

- Ryoken-sama. I think that is enough suffering. - Said the white haired boy.

Ryoken looked at Spectre's blue eyes with his blue eyes saying:

- Leave me alone, Spectre... That woman took my love...

Spectre smirks saying:

- That's why I told you enough with the suffering. I got something for you, Ryoken-sama.

Ryoken rose a bit his head asking:

- What is it, Specre.

Spectre pull out one paper and answered:

- Here, Yusaku's address.

Ryoken jumps from the bed and took the paper asking:

- Where did you get it, Spectre?

Spectre grins answering:

- I got my sources, Ryoken-sama.

Ryoken sparks and hugs Spectre saying:

- Idk what will I do without you, Spectre. 

Spectre hugs back saying:

- Now, go and take your groom, Ryoken-sama.

Ryoken nods and walks away saying:

- I'm coming for you, my beloved Yusaku. Just wait for me, my love.


I hope you like it...

Next chapter is coming soon... ^^

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