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- I don't agree!

Suddenly they all hear familiar voice. It was one pink haired woman.

- Mama?! - Yusaku blinks surprised.

Ryoken gasps. She is so beautiful woman. She came to Yusaku saying:

- This is stupid! You're still kid! And your father is jerk! I wont ever allow you two to get married. Dr. Kogami. Here is your debut. Now, I'll take my son with me. This ridiculous wedding is over!

Dr. Kogami said:

- I appreciate that, but... The deal is deal. Your son will get married with my son.

Miss Fujiki bites lips saying:

- It's all your fault!

The blue haired man said:

- But...

She took Yusaku in her hands and said:

- This is over. We're leaving Yusaku.

Yusaku tried not to cry and said:

- But, mama... I love Ryoken...

She said:

- You're still young for love.

Ryoken couldn't stay quiet and said:

- Fujiki-san. I understand that you're mad at your husband, but... Yusaku is my groom. Even he's just a kid, I love him.

She glared at him saying:

- I wont ever accept this. The debut is paid. My son is free. And from today on, he'll live with me. And one more thing. That man isn't my husband anymore.

Then she left with Yusaku. Ryoken bites lips saying:

- Yusaku...


I hope you like it...

Next chapter is coming soon... ^^

Arranged marriage?! Child YusakuxAdult Ryoken (Yu-Gi-Oh Vrains)Where stories live. Discover now