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Ryoken walked at the address that Spectre gave to him. He looked around noticing men in black and big mansion. Ryoken mumbles:

- Whoa, that bitch must be so rich... How will I come in now.. Hmm...

He got one idea and disguise as hot dog man and said:

- I got delivery for Yusaku Fujiki-san...

The man said:

- Sure, come in.

Ryoken smirks and walks in ,,Lucky" He come in the mansion only to be amazed. He said:

- Whoa amazing... Now to find my Yusaku...

He asked one maid:

- Hey, excuse me. I got delivery for Yusaku Fujiki-san. Where can I find him? The delivery must be given in person.

The maid answered:

- I see.. Yusaku-sama's room in upstairs left door.

Ryoken said:

- Thanks.

He walked there and knocks at the door and heard a voice:

- Go away... I'm not hungry.

Ryoken said:

- That's bad. I was planning to share hot dog with you.

Yusaku gasps recognizing Ryoken's voice and opened the door saying:

- Ryoken!

Ryoken smiles saying:

- Surprise!

Yusaku hugs him happy and said:

- You came! For me! I'm so happy! But how?

Ryoken said:

- Secret. But, I'm happy that I found you.

Yusaku pulled Ryoken in his room and kissed his lips. Ryoken kissed back. Yusaku breaks the kiss saying:

- I wanna be with you... Take me with you, Ryoken...

Ryoken pets Yusaku saying:

- I promise I'll get you out from here. Just be patient. We'll figure out something. Now, I must go. I'll save you, I promise, my love.

Yusaku smiles saying:

- I'll wait for you, Ryoken.

Ryoken nods and leaves, already making plan how to save his beloved Yusaku.


I hope you like it...

Next chapter is coming soon... ^^

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