⌜ thirty seven ⌟

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are you ready?

are you ready?

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daddy is sleeping.


mark woke up and saw donghyuck still lying down on the hospital bed. it's been days donghyuck is lying there and it's been days mark hasn't go to school. mark was afraid that donghyuck would disappear when he goes out and leave him. he survived inside though and it's because of his and donghyuck's friends who always gives him food and clothes to wear.

but of course it won't happen forever. one way or another mark must go out and breathe fresh air.

mark watched the sunlight brightening the room up as he ran a hand through donghyuck's hair ❝good morning love.

he does this all the time. he would talk to the younger that was laying down. he didn't care if he won't respond, he'll just think that donghyuck is listening.

you know, i miss you.❞ mark sighed ❝please wake up.

mark smiled and stared at donghyuck's breathtakingly beautiful visuals. he looked  like an angel sleeping, so peaceful and harmless. as much as he wanted to see this all the time, he also missed the donghyuck who shows emotion, who pouts, who curses, who gets mad, who always makes fun of him, he missed lee donghyuck.

jeno told me that chenle and jisung are already official.❞ all mark could do was stare at donghyuck's peaceful face and play with his soft hair ❝i'm waiting for you to wake up so we could be official.

inside his head he was already imagining his changed future with donghyuck. it wasn't like the old one where the two always fight and him always at the office and going home late. chan is running around the house with him trying to catch him from behind and donghyuck cooking at the kitchen while smiling as he heard mark and chan's laugh and giggles.

mark couldn't held back the tears that was threatening to fall ❝you want to see chan right? wake up love..

a minute later someone threw a tissue box at him and as he raised his head he saw jaemin who is also crying.

don't make me cry!❞ jaemin sniffed and wiped the tears that was continuing to fall using the sleeves of his uniform.

once again┃markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now