Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

I woke up to a sharp pain in my stomach. The Chinese food I had for dinner probably isn't agreeing with me. It doesn't make sense though. If it were bad wouldn't Chase not feel well too. Whatever.

I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't. Every 15 minutes I would feel that pain.

For a second I thought I was in labor but I'm not due for another 2 months. So that was out of the question and my water didn't break so it for sure couldn't be labor pain.

All of a sudden a really bad pain came and I winced and held my stomach like there was no tomorrow. I think Chase heard me.

"Babe." he said groggily. "What's wrong? Are you ok? why are you up?" he sounded worried. I didn't know what to say. I was too busy trying not to fall off the bed in pain.

"Alexis what's wrong? you're scaring me. " He said with alertness. "I don't know" I said wincing in between each word. "I woke up with stomach pain and I couldn't go back to sleep because every 15 minutes I would feel it again."

"What do you mean pain? How long were you feeling this?" "I don't know for an hour maybe. "

"Okay I'm not liking how much pain you're in. I'm calling an ambulance." Chase said not leaving me much room to answer. I wanted to tell him that I'm sure it will pass soon.

That was until I felt like I peed myself. "Chase!!" I shouted so he could hear me from downstairs while he went to get his phone.

He ran upstairs with his phone to his year. "What happened?" He said worry clear in his eyes.

"Either I just peed my self or my water just broke." " Lets hope you just peed yourself than because your early if it's the other one. " he said slightly smiling. That's great I'm about to push a baby out of a very small body and he's smiling. Great. This was going to be a long night.


Thanks for reading. Sorry I haven't updated I'll try to do it more often. Comment or message me I would love to hear your thoughts so far!

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