Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

On the way to the hospital Chase wouldn't let go of my hand. I swear I think he was more nervous then me. When we got into the delivery room the doctor said we didn't even have time for drugs so I was going to be doing this all natural. I mean people do it all the time right? how hard can it be?

Boy was I in for a surprise. The pain I felt was unimaginable. "Push baby come on you got just push!" Chase said. Probably under the impression of that he was being helpful. "Don't tell me what to do! You got me like this!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

I know he's trying to help but I wasn't exactly in the motivating mood.

"Alexis push come on one more! push!" the doctor said. I don't think I've ever been in that much pain in my life. While I pushed I accidentally hit Chase in the head. I couldn't help it. I was in pain. He fell on the floor. When he stood up he rubbed his head and said "You have no idea how much this hurts!" Both me and the doctor looked at him like he was crazy. I mean I was pushing a baby out of a very small hole in my body and he gets hit in the head and says he doesn't know how much it hurts. I mean seriously? What the hell? He doesn't know how much I'm in pain right now! He shouldn't even be talking!!

That's when I felt it. The pain just stopped. I felt my body just relax under me.

That's when I heard it the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. The sound of my baby girl's cry.

I looked up so I can see my baby. She was beautiful. She had big green eyes, no doubt from Chase, and blonde hair just like me. She definitely looked like her daddy though. She was so going to be daddy's princess. No doubt there.

After about 5 minutes the nurse came in with my baby nice and cleaned wrapped up in a pink bundle. She was fast a sleep. The nurse handed me my daughter. She was so precious. Chase looked at me in awe. Like I had just given him the best gift on the planet. "I love you Lex! You have me the greatest gift anyone could ever give me. You have me a family." He said with tears in his eyes. I can't say my eyes were completely dry either.

"So what's her name?" The doctor asked. I looked at Chase and he smiled at me and nodded. We never really talked about baby names but he knew I had a name for my daughter ever since I was a little girl. Guess those are the perks of growing up together.

I looked at the doctor and said "Annabelle Phoebe Rose Jacobs" After both my grandmothers and Chase's mother. He looked at me with such love in his eyes.

From that moment everything was about to change and I didn't mind one bit. I was a mom and Chase was a dad. That's all I ever dreamt of and more. What else do I need?

Chase kissed me so passionately with our little girl sleeping peacefully in my arms.

And they all lived happily ever after!!


Points for the Friends reference!

Thanks so much for reading. I know I haven't updated in so long. But now it's finally done! Hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

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