t w e n t y t h r e e

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that night had been terrible for soon, she couldn't sleep for more than an hour straight. thoughts clouded her mind and she woke up in the middle of the night, with a heart raced and bathed in sweat, when hyungwon's dark eyes appeared on her dreams as she felt, fresh in her lips, the caress of his own.

she tried to push away the strange feeling those thoughts provided her with but it seemed like an impossible task.

during the breakfast, kihyun woke up earlier and prepared a nice home made meal for her, stating that they haven't had breakfast together in a long time since soon would always leave first.

the smell of the cooked sausages and the kimchi and tea waiting for her awakened her asleep belly. she noticed how he set the table beautifully as he smiled when he noticed her entering. "good morning." he said, flipping an omelette.

"morning." she said, trying to find the strength inside her to smile since she was tired over the lack of sleep.

"bon apetit." he said pushing softly the plate filled with the warm and delicious food towards her. the cherry tea waited peacefully in a mug next to her. a mug that she remembered buying with kihyun in one of those trips downtown before they moved in together. those times when she was excited about her relationship with him and about the idea of being a future wife.


the only thought of it made her freak out.

she had been sure about wanting to be a wife. someone's wife. it sounded like something she grew up loving but now, looking back at everything that have happened to her, she wasn't sure if she felt the same way.

right before her, was a man who loved her. she was sure of this. kihyun loved her, very much and deeply.

he had stated plenty times that she was the love of his life, and how not? they met when they were kids and back in that time, he had confessed his love for her.

he was always a step ahead. he had been the first who confessed, the first who initiated the first kiss, the first who said i love you.

soon always felt like she was lacking in all areas, she always felt behind him in everything because she never had the initiative.

"is it good?" he asked, somehow worried about her judgment. she nodded eagerly.

of course it was. everything he did was perfect, all the time. she was engaged to a perfectionist. a man who liked things done, and done perfectly.

"are you going to see that patient today?" he asked, taking a piece of kimchi with his chopsticks, soon nodded.

"what happened to him?"

"he passed out. his sugar levels were low and was taken to intensive care."

kihyun frowned. "really? and now he's okay?"

she nodded. "with DID you never know. we don't even know if it was really him or maybe other identity."

"well.. that sounds crazy right?" he asked, taking a sip of tea. soon shrugged. she knew these things were hard to understand, only she understood.

after finishing the breakfast, kihyun took her to the clinic and bid his goodbye to her. the clinic he worked on was at the other side of the city, around 20 or 30 minutes away by car from soon's clinic.

she waved at him as she noticed the car disappearing in the distance, from inside the clinic. she turned around and was soon greeted by hoseok.

"dr. park." he bowed. a sweet smile appeared on his full lips.

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