t h i r t y t h r e e

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that next morning after she drove kihyun to the airport was somehow relieving to her. with him away, she felt like she could breathe again.

just looking at his face made her feel nervous and the amount of shame she felt was endless.

"good morning dr. park." kyunji greeted her, waiting as usual with a cup of coffee. of course kyunji didn't know anything that happened the previous day between soon and her patient.

and for a second soon envied her. she was totally unaware of what she had done yesterday and she wanted to feel the same way.

soon felt as if she wouldn't be able to look at hyungwon at his face, today, when his therapy would take place.

she knew he probably wouldn't remember any of what happened, because she was completely sure it had been inho and not him.

"patient lee is here to see you." kyunji said showing the way to hoseok who was accompanied by a grumpy jooheon.

soon smiled weakly. "good morning boys... - she turned to look at hoseok – it's okay. you can leave us now." she said with a reassuring nod. hoseok complied and bowed before making his way out.

she turned to look at jooheon and pressed her lips together in a thin line. "how are you?"

he sighed, immediately looking away. she noticed he had some cuts on his cheeks and a few bruises on his pale arms.

soon swallowed hard. "i heard about what happened." she said tilting her head. she had been received by hoseok that morning, he was telling her how jooheon got into a fight with another patient.

"i bet they told you nothing but lies because that's what everyone does here, lies and lies. all the damn time."

she cleared her throat. "language." he rolled his eyes as he spread his legs on the couch, sitting comfortably but also carelessly.

"what happened exactly? i'd like to hear it from you." her tone was both sweet and steady. she wasn't exactly alien to jooheon's difficult personality. she knew he was impulsive and even aggressive sometimes, but that didn't mean that he'd start all fights.

he shrugged. "that winning baby of changkyun... he stole my bee socks." soon tried to suppress a laugh.

"he what?" she asked, trying to look shocked just as he was.

his eyes widened for a second and he sat straight on the couch. "the bee socks you gave me for my birthday last year? those that are 100% organic cotton, remember? – he asked with his eyes opened like plates, a shocked yet cute face. soon nodded – well... he stole them from me." he said sitting back, crossing his arms on his chest like a spoiled little kid.

soon smiled. "are you sure about that?" he nodded eagerly.

"how?" she asked curiously tilting her head, ready to take notes. he shrugged.

"i saw him wearing them... after i stated that they were missing from my room. he stole them from me!" he said repeatedly.

soon haven't seen jooheon this mad in a long time. last time something similar happened. he said that another patient was stealing his puddings every day, after lunch.

it only happened to be that he was forgetting it on the table. as soon as he finished eating, he'd go straight to his room and when he realized he had left the pudding, he'd return to the dining room to look for it but it was gone already.

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