t h i r t y o n e

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extra warnings: smut towards the end. if you're uncomfortable reading it then skip from the kiss to the next chapter. bye.

"then why don't you tell me these things?" she asked, hoping he'd trust her. hoping he'd share whatever he was hiding.

he only smirked. "i am afraid that won't be possible dr. park."

"why not?" she asked both confused and disappointed. he shrugged. "it's not my place to tell."

soon narrowed her eyes. she couldn't understand why he'd say such thing, after all, they were the same body and he knew hyungwon and his previous life.

she wanted to know more about his previous relationships. soon considered it was crucial for his medical records. in none of the dr. kang's notes was mentioned anything about his love life.

"any other experience that you'd like to share? what happened after the girl in college?" she asked.

for a second, she thought he was really enjoying this session. it seemed he was amused talking about his previous love life, well, hyungwon's.

"nothing more. she was the last one." his lips turned into a smile, but a intimidating-kind of smile.

"why?" she asked, maybe quicker than expected. soon was really trying to not show too much interest even if she was dying inside to know more. he shrugged again.

"are you perhaps... jealous dr. park?" he asked. the tone of his voice was clearly sarcastic.

immediately she bit inside her cheek as she felt her jaw clenching. "jealous? why would i be jealous?" she asked, with a serious face.

he chuckled. "i don't know... you tell me dr. park." his voice was now soft but a hint of sarcasm remained.

"there's no reason for me to be jealous... i think you're overreacting."

he stared at her for a second and then sighed. she noticed how his elegant body stood from the couch and her eyes soon followed him.

he cleared his throat as he walked around, now staring at the paintings around the walls with care and interest. "dr. park... there's nothing wrong admitting one is jealous... - he started, soon almost rolled her eyes – i mean... i know it can be quite upsetting and even embarrassing sometimes... given the case of course – he smirked to himself – but in this case... it's totally fine." he said turning around, taking his hands behind his back.

her eyes suddenly widened when she realized all the time they've been talking, he managed to untie his hands and she never noticed.

"hyungwon-ssi- she started but was soon shut by his calmed voice.

"maybe... you're embarrased because you're developing feelings for me, a patient." he said glancing at her as he pointed at himself, at his chest.

she felt the nerves growing as she glanced constantly to the door. she feared he'd do something to her and she knew it was wrong feeling this way but in a way, she expected it.

she wanted it to happen... she's been daydreaming about it since the last time he laid a hand on her.

she longed his touch, she wanted, she needed to have his hands on her.

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