2. what are the odds?

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"Hi" I say to the worker in the lobby in my apartment complex as i always do.

I am soaking wet and cold from my walk home . My makeup is a mess, so is my hair and my clothes are literally dripping. And if there is one time in my life I'm taking the elevator, it is now. There is no way I walking 27 floors up to my apartment. Even though i hate the elevator I'll manage this one ride.

I walk towards the elevators and I see that the doors are about to close. I start running and I guess someone in the elevator sees that so the person holds the doors for me.

I walk in to the elevator and almost drop my jaw when i see who's standing there. What are the odds?

"Hi Amanda" Kylian smiles.

Wait what. He remembers my name?

"Thanks for holding the doors" i reply trying to contain myself and not freak out

"No problem."

"Do you live here?" I ask since I've never seen him here before. Even though this is a big apartment building I would have seen him before if he lived

"No I'm just visiting a friend. Do you?"


"What floor?" He asks

"27" I answer wondering why he would want to know that.

He presses the button 27 and then I realize that I had forgotten to press where I was going.

"There you go" he smiles

Then there is just an awkward silence. I suck at small talk and I start to doubt my decision on taking the elevator and regret that I didn't take the stares. Why am so awkward?

Suddenly there is a weird noise. My stomach drops and we look at each other. You are got to be kidding, the elevator is stuck. I try to not panick but I can feel my heart beating faster and I just want to throw up. When I was younger I also got stuck in an elevator. But the I got a panic attack so that is the reason I hate elevators.

"Are you okay?" he all of a sudden asks

"Yeah" i reply trying to hide the fact that I'm scared to death, shaking and that my heart is beating out of my chest.

"You sure? You're shaking"

"Just a bit afraid of small spaces thats all" i say.

"Its going to be okay, i promise. I'm sure help is already on its way."

I smile.

"We could get to know each other you know and try to make the best out of this situation" he smirks
I don't know if that was meant in a sexual way or not.

"20 questions?" i suggest

"Sounds good"

He starts.
"What is your full name?"
"Amanda Elisabeth Smith"

"What is you party trick?"
"I can moonwalk" he says and i giggle.

"Your dream job?"

"I am very interested in history so a job that contains history. Im actually studying history at a university here in Paris"

He looks pretty suprised. I don't exactly look like I'm that kind of person so i understand him.

"You look surprised" i say

He smiles

"I just didn't picture you like, thats all" he says.

I stay silent

"Continue. With the questions" He says.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" I say instantly regretting what slipped through my mouth.

He sees that I regret that and smirks but doesn't say anything. What have i done.

"No i don't" he then says.

After that we kept talking. He is actually a really nice person and knows supriesingly much about history which really impressed and suprised me. He was pretty flirty which I thought was cute. I've only known him for about an hour but I'm really really starting to like him. I tried to tell myself to stop because there is no chance he would feel the same way towards me and we will probably never see each other again after this. And again, i have only known him for an hour.

Ever since Brandon cheated on me I've been really insecure and it really took a tore on my self esteem. Kylian is the only guy I've really talked to since we broke up and i would more than love to move on after what Brandon did.

Finaly the elevator starts moving again which must mean that they had fixed it. I hadn't gotten an answer from Sophie so she wasn't to any help. Kylian and i walk out of the elevator in relief.

"So are you free tomorrow?" he asks

"Yeah i think so, why?"

"Then i'll pick you up at 1pm for our second date"

I get surprised but am more than ready to move on from Brandon.

"Second date huh? You call this our first?" i reply trying not to smile

"I'll be waiting outside at one tomorrow. Be ready" He says smirking and leaves.

Paris- Kylian Mbappè Where stories live. Discover now