8. the truth

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We are in the car on our way to drop me of at my apartment. I texted Sophie and told her I was going home. She said she went home with some guy so none of us are left alone.

"Kylian look, I really really like you but you have been acting so wierd the lately. Cancelling our plans, taking the back entrance in stead of the main one, you haven't been answering for a long time sometimes and I swear to god that there has been so many people looking at us when we are together. And then Sophie saw you in some gossip magazine with another girl. Is that you you've been acting so strange, is it because you got another girl and you don't want to be seen with me? And why are you even in that magazine? I really need some answers Kylian and I want to know where we stand. What is going on? Please tell me" I say and look over at him while he is driving.

It felt so good getting all of that out of me but at the same time I'm scared of the truth.

He pulls over, stops the car and turns so he's facing me a bit more.

"I should have been honest with you from the beginning. I'm sorry" he says

Oh god.

"But first of all, I'm not dating or seeing anyone else but you. That picture is from a long long time ago." He says

I feel a slightly bit reviled knowing that he's not seeing anyone else. He continues.

"Is that what your call earlier was about? You thinking I was seeing anyone else?"

"What call?" I ask confused.

"You called me earlier saying that I can go sleep with anyone I want and that I don't deserve you"

Then I remember the call. Oh. My. God that is so embarrassing.

"Did I really say that?"

"Yeah" he says while chuckling a bit.

"Oh god I am so sorry I was so drunk and I didn't know what I was doing" "That is so embarrassing"

"But as I said, I haven't been quite honest with you. I don't know if you like soccer or know anything about it but I am a soccer player for PSG and the French national team. My full name is Kylian Mbappe so You might of heard it before. I didn't tell you because I didn't know if you were going to want to be with me because of my career or not. And I didn't want any paparazzi photos of us being taking so that is why we walked out through other doors. And I really really like you to Amanda but I have a very busy schedule with practices, games, interview and meetings. So that is why I had to cancel some planes we made. I am so so sorry. I screwed up big times" he says and looks down. Probably waiting for an answer.

"After a while when I realized you didn't know who I was I didn't want to tell you because I was afraid you would get "scared away" by my lifestyle. And by that I mean the media, the attention and the paparazzis." He continues.

I am speechless and I don't know what to say. This was so unexpected but it made so much sense. The feeling of constantly being watched, the pictures being taken, the paparazzi outside of the restaurant him being on magazines. And I raven saw his name on one not even knowing it was him it was about.

"I understand why you didn't want to tell me and everything makes sense now. But I really like you and it doesn't matter I your a cleaner or a superstar, my feeling for you will not change."

He looks relived and smiles a bit. Honestly, I don't blame him for not telling me who he is. It a big secret to keep but there has probably been so many that has used him for publicity and his money. But I would never ever in my entire life do anything like that.

I look at him and crash my lips in to his and we share a passionate kiss.

"Can you please stay at my place tonight? I don't really want to be alone after what happened at the bar" I ask him

He looks at me and smiles "Of course I can. Anything for you."

When we arrive at my apartment we go straight to bed. It is after all almost 3am. I change into some other clothes to sleep in but when I pull down my zipper on my dress it gets stuck.

"Um Kylian, could you please help me with this?

He walks up behind me and pulls down the zipper slowly. I can feel his breath in my neck, I get goosebumps.

"Thank you" I say quietly

"Turn around and don't look" I say as I am about to change.

"What happens if I look?" he asks

I laugh

"Just do what I say" I say while smiling but he can't see that.

I take of my dress and my jewelry and but on a oversized t-shirt and walk into the bathroom to wash my make up of.

"I'll be back" I tell him

When I come back to my room he is standing there without a shirt. When he sees me he asks

"Do you have like a shirt or something that I can sleep in?"

"Maybe" I say "But I wouldn't mind if you slept without one" I smirk

He smiles while shaking his head a bit

I crawl under the blanket and he joins me. He has his one arm over my head and I have mine on his chest while resting my head on his shoulder.

"You know that that guy was my ex right?" I ask him referring to Brandon.

"Yeah you told me that on the phone" he says "Want to talk about it?"

"We moves to Paris together but he cheated on by the whole time we where here. When I found out I was heartbroken and after that he has been wanting me back. I have him a second chance short after we broke up but he screwed it up. He texted me two times the past week. On time saying he wanted me back and the other he sent a photo of us at the restaurant and asked if I had a new boyfriend. But tonight I met him at the club and he came up to me and we danced for a while. I was so drunk and had no idea what was happening and then he...

I pause not knowing how Kylian will react when I tell him about the kiss. I continue.

"Kissed me. But when I realized what was going on I walked away immediately."

I looked at Kylian to see his reaction, but he just kept on listening.

"Then he came to the bar and told me about him wanting me back but I said never and that I wanted him to leave me alone. When I was about to walk away he grabbed my arm and dragged me to that ally and then" "yeah you know"

We made eye contact and he says

"I'll make sure he never touches you again, I promise." "Goodnight babe." He says and kisses my forehead.

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