6. actions speak louder than words, right?

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—A week later—

Me and Kylian have been seeing each other a few times this past week and I like him more more every time I see him. I want to believe that he likes me back which I really think when we are together. But there are many things that has seemed odd.

He had canceled our plans we had made a few times with a short notice and his excuses sounded made up. One time he said that he forgot he had a hair appointment which felt strange.  And that feeling that I had at the restaurant, that there always where someone watching us I have had almost every time we were out.

When we were at the movies I swear there was a girl taking pictures of us.

"Kylian, doesn't it look like that girl over there is taking a picture of us" I said to him and he looked at her.

"No she's just on her phone, don't you think?" He answered

After a while I looked at her again and told him

"I swear to god that she is taking pictures of us"

"Relax Amanda, your just paranoid. Why would she be taking pictures of us?"

Later that night on our way out we took the back entrance out as we did at the restaurant before. He said it was because it was too crowded and therefore
too hard to get out.

Today Kylian was busy so me and Sophie are sitting at a cafe right now. She knows about Kylian and she also think he acts wierd some times, but she definitely thinks he likes me.

Kylian is not the only thing that has been on my mind. I've hade so many discussion in my head whether he likes me or not and what kind of explanations there can be to the things that has been going on. On top of that I've been thinking and worrying about the texts that Brandon sent me last week. I haven't told Sophie but I decided that it might be the best if I do.

"Brandon has been textning me"  I say and take a sip of my cappuccino.

"What?!" She says as she looks up from her phone. "Oh my god what has he been saying?"

"He texted me two times but I didn't answer"

I showed her the texts.

"Should I write something back?" I ask

"I think you should wait until he texts you again and then maybe answer. If he even texts you again, he might not."

"It's just so uncomfortable knowing that he took that picture of me and Kylian at the restaurant. What if he followed us and knows where I live?" I say concerned

"At least he can't come inside your apartment. And I don't think he would hurt you physically even though be obviously wants you back."

"Yeah I know I don't think so either. But it is still scary and uncomfortable."

"But what should I do with Kylian Sophie? I really really like him but he acts so strange sometimes and in just sucks cuz I don't know what to do. Should I just confront him and ask what is going on or should I wait and see?" I say

"I think you should do what feels right for you"

We leave the cafe and go our separate ways. Me to my apartment and she says to hers.

—At the apartment—
I sit on my couch scrolling through the tv channels. National geographic, nope. Family Guy, nope. PSG-Angers, nope. Why is there not anything good on tv?

My phone rings and the caller ID says Sophie.


"Amanda, I saw a picture of Kylian and some girl on the cover on a gossip magazine."

My heart sank.

"Wait what? Are you sure it was him? Why would he be in a gossip magazine?" I ask her and tears start to form in my eyes.

"I'm positive it was him and I couldn't read about it since it was in French."

I stay silent.

"I'm so sorry Amanda" she says

"I got to go, Bye" I say as I hang up.

I start crying. When I think about it it all makes sense now. He didn't want to be seen with me in case he saw his other girl. And he made up explanations so he could be with her instead. But why is he in the magazine? Is she famous or something? I doesn't matter, she is probably a model and I am nothing compared to her.
I should have figured something wasn't right. How could I be so stupid?

A while later Sophie comes in to my apartment. Im laying on my couch under a blanket with red, puffy eyes feeling heartbroken even though we weren't really a couple and he hasn't even explained yet. But he doesn't need to explain cuz as they say, actions speak louder than words, right?

"Amanda, put on something sexy we are going to the club" she says already dressed

"What? No!"

"Oh come on. Just to losen up and think about something else. You deserve someone better than him."

I'm not really a party person but I guess she's right, again. I could need a night out and think about other stuff then what is going on.

I open my closet and look through everything. I don't even have de energy to get ready. I just want to get really drunk tonight. Sophie and I narrowed it down to two options. A red dress or a black one. We decide to go with the black one. Sophie picks a pair of black heels with silver details. I take my crystal earrings and a bracelet that doesn't look to bad with the earrings.

I know that it hasn't been a lot of Kylian in this book yet, but it's coming I promise. Please comment what you think and thank you for reading!:)

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