1. the forgotten phone

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Disclaimer: The first few chapters are to be honest really bad. I will fix the first ones when I have time, so please don't stop reading and i apologize for that. But I hope you will like the book! :)

Walking on the streets here in Paris I something I really love. I love watching people just thinking each and every one of them are heading to their own destination. Right now I'm on my way to my favourite studying spot. I am studying history at a university here in Paris, and there is this cafe i always go to wherever i need to study. It's small, never too crowded and the perfect studying spot.

Don't get me wrong when i say this, I love it here, but I have very high expectations to live up to from my family and sometimes I just want to forget about school and live life since I'm only 20.

It can also get lonely here. I am from Liverpool, England so i don't speak french and i didn't know anyone when i first came here, except my boyfriend Brandon who now is my ex. I've been here for months and when i moved here i did it together with Brandon. We hade been together for two years but a while after we moved here i found out he had been cheating on me with a girl here in Paris. I was absolutely heartbroken and  ever since I found out and broke up with him he has been a douchbag to me saying that he want me back and all that crap. But I have found a  best friend here and i would be lost without Sophie. She's my other half.

I walked in to the cafe and a small bell rang when I opened the door, as usual.

"Hi Amanda, want your usual?" Tracie said as i was about to order. I come here a lot and since it is a small cafe i basically know all the workers.

"Yes please" i answered

"Then a caramel cappuccino with extra caramel it is"

"Thanks Tracie"

I take my stuff and walk to my usual seat. I looked down at my phone quickly and was about to put down my stuff at the table. But when i looked up I was surprised to see a young guy already sitting there. I quickly but down my stuff on the table beside and pretended that that was what i was doing from the beginning.

But i guess it was to obvious that i was about to sit down a the table where the young guy already sat.

"Oh I'm sorry did you want to sit here?" He asked "I can move"

"Oh no that is okay ill just sit here. But thank you anyways" i answer. Well, how embarrassing was that?

"You sure?" he asked

"100 procent" i answered while smiling a bit and he answered with a smile

I take up my macbook, my pencils, all my papers and my book and put on my beats so i can concentrate.

My eyes wonder to the guy beside be a few times and he is extremely attractive, and in my luck, he looks around my age. He has a black cap on with the letters k and m,brown beautiful eyes, an amazing face structure, a body that is amazing as well and when he smiles down at his phone, oh my god. We make eye contact a few times, but as soon as that happens I quickly look away pretending to go back to my studying.

He stands up, and of course my eyes draws to him. He looks at me and smiles while leaving the cafe. That smile, sucks that I'll never see it again. But let's just take a second for that he just smiled at me while i just stared at him. Wow, I really am embarrassing. I saw him walking away through the window, then I noticed his phone on the table where he sat.What the hell should I do with his phone.

I can't take it and try to go find him because I will never find him on these streets. Or I could just leave it because he might come back as soon he realizes his phone is gone. And that should not take long.

I sit and wait for a while hand every time a person walks through the doors i look up, but he doesn't come back. I decide to take the phone and try to call someone in his contacts, but he will probably have a code on his phone. I took up his phone and i keep my fingers crossed hoping it doesn't have one, and it surprisingly doesn't. I scroll through his contacts and it feels a bit strange going trough someone's phone. But you got to do what you got to do right?

Once i see "Maman", which I know means mom in French I start typing a short text where I explain the whole situation.

"Hi. I found this phone at a the "Le café" in Paris so I wonder if you somehow know how i can give it back to him. // Amanda Smith"

Not long after I send it I get a reply. She thanks me for taking care of his phone and she is going to talk to her son who's name is Kylian and then text me more information on what to do. Not long after that she texted me an address and the time I was supposed to meet him. Now I at least know his name. Kylian.

I am supposed to meet him 3.10 pm outside of camp des loges. It is now 2.37 pm which means I don't have a lot of time to get there.

I have never heard of camp des loges so I googled it in the taxi and it looked like some kind of soccer place.

I am almost there and to be honest i am starting to get nervous. I don't know what to say and i already know that I'll say something embarrassing or inappropriate. How will he even know that I am the one with his phone and what will.... The taxi driver interrupted my thoughts by saying that we arrived.

I step out of the taxi and decided to try to make this quick. It was 15.07, so i don't know if he is here yet.

"Hey" someone says.

I look up from my phone. It is him.

"Hi", i say. "You forgot you phone on the cafe"
"Yeah i know" he answer. Of course he knows that he forgot his phone Amanda, are you stupid?

"Thank you so much for taking it and giving it back to me. I really appreciate it"

"No problem" I said. I don't know what to do so i start walking away.

"Hey!" he shouted. I stopped and turned around.

"I didn't get your name."


"I'm Kylian"

I smile, give him a small wave and walk away.

This place is pretty close to my apartment so i decide to walk instead of taking the subway or taxi. I hate the subway, it is always so crowded and and the thought of being in a tunnel under the ground just scares me and makes me so uncomfortable. I have always hated the subway and elevators. I don't like small spaces where I can't get out whenever I want and my biggest fear is getting stuck in an elevator, the subway or in any small space for that matter.

I live in a beautiful apartment with an amazing view. My parents are paying for it since they think it is important to have a nice "home" when I'm studying and i am very thankful for that.

I had walked for 5 minutes when I start to feel raindrops. Please please please don't start to rain. But of course it starts pouring outside. I hurry in to a little cafe and decide to wait there until it stopped raining. I by a cup of tea and sit down at a table where I can see outside. I can't stop thinking about my meeting with Kylian. I try to not since I will never meet him again and why would he want someone like me. I only met him for a few minutes but he seemed so nice, sweet and extremely hot. Hard to say that since I barely had a conversation with him. But his smile. Don't even get me started. But never mind, ill never see him again.

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