15. a trap?

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The day went on and I didn't really do anything except counting down the hours that where left until our little date.

I've just finished my make up and it's now time to go. I grab my car keys and head down the stairs. I have no clue where the park is so I have to type it in on google maps.

After about driving in circles for 20 minute I finally find the park. I've never been in this area before and to be honest it looks a bit sketchy. It is starting to get dark and it is colder than I though. I can't see him or anybody else for that matter but i decide to go and sit on one of the benches.

8.04 pm my phone says. Kylian is usually never late, but I guess his plane must have arrived late or the traffic could be bad.

8.16 and he is still now here and I am now shaking because I am so cold. Just then my phone rings. It's Kylian.

"Hello?" I answer

"Hey where are you?"

"I should be asking you the same question" I say a bit irritated

"What? I just got home from the airport and I'm at your place now but you're not home. Where are you?"

"I'm at west port park, just like you told me to." I answer confused

"What? Why? What are you doing there?"

"But you sent me those flowers and told me to meet you here at 8 pm"

"What flowers?"

"The ones on the table"

"Amanda. I did not send those."

I just froze.

"Amanda get out of there as fast as you can!" He said with panic in his voice. "And don't hang up okay?"

I sprint as fast as I can to the car and I am in total panic. My keys. Where are my keys?! Shit. My purse is on the bench. I hurry back to the bench but I can't see my purse. I look at the other benches but it is not there either. I swear to god that I sat on this bench, where the hell is my purse.

"Are you looking for this?" I hear a voice say and I instantly know who it is.

"Brandon, why are you doing this to me?" I say to him still standing with my back facing him. I can hear him walking towards me. I turn around so I can see him and start walking backwards away from him.

"Long time no see huh?" He says and he is just a few feet away from me now.

"Please just leave me alone"

I am on the verge of crying now.

"Don't cry gorgeous" he says and puts his hand on my cheek and strokes it with his thumb.

"No don't touch me" "Can you just give me my bag"

Now I can feel tears running down my face.

"Lets go home to my place and just talk. We can figure this all out."

"There is nothing to talk about. I am with Kylian now and I am never going back to you and you know that. Please just leave."

"I'm not leaving without you" he says and tries to grab my arm and I start running towards the road I came from. I can hear him running after me but I don't look back. I haven't seen anyone around here so I highly doubt that I'll meet someone who can help me. I am running on the the road with tears streaming down my face so my vision is blurry, I'm freezing cold and it is pitch black outside. I look behind me but I can't even see if he is following me.

The lights of a car appears I the distance and it is coming closer. It stops right in front of me and I have never been more relived in my life. It is Kylian.

He stops the car right in front of me and hurry's out to me. He pulls me in to a hug but I don't throw myself into his arms like I want to.

"No no no we have to go he's coming" I say in panic.

Kylian looks confused but he listens to me and hop in the car. We don't say anything, I just sit there in chock.

"Amanda are you okay did he hurt you?" He says worried

"No I'm fine" I say but my voice breaks and I fight to hold my tears back.

Kylian looks at me and then I can't hold them back anymore. I just break down in tears. He puts his right hand on my leg and I put my hand on top of his.

"Hold on I'm pulling over" he says

He stops the car and steps out and starts walking over to my side. I stand up and i through my self in to his arms. God it is never felt so good with a hug from him.

"I am so sorry that you are dragged in to all of this" I sob. "I'm so sorry"

"Shh it's okay. It's not your fault" he says and hugs me even tighter. "It's okay now, I'm here. He isn't."

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