Chapter 8

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⠀⠀The next day came and when Quailpaw awoke in the apprentices' den that morning, she was confused to see new cats surrounding her until she remembered everything that had happened the day before. WindClan had agreed to stay with RiverClan until their camp was repaired. It had rained during the night so the fire was finally put out, but the RiverClan camp was dripping wet now.
⠀⠀Quailpaw followed Eaglepaw out of the den, looking around for Troutpelt as she stepped out into the open. The tom's familiar gray tabby fur soon caught her eye and, mewing a farewell to her brother, the Siamese apprentice crossed the clearing towards her mentor.
⠀⠀The dawn patrol slipped into camp as she walked across the soaked grass, and she noticed several WindClan warriors were sitting awkwardly at the edges of the camp.
⠀⠀"Hey, Troutpelt!" she greeted her mentor good-spiritedly. She wanted to treat this like a normal day, no matter how uncomfortable it was with all these strangers. "What are we doing today?"
⠀⠀Troutpelt turned his head to look down at Quailpaw. "Well, Thistleleaf was needing someone to help her go out and collect some more marigold. Would you be up for that?"
⠀⠀"Oh! Sure!" Quailpaw piped up. "Can I bring someone with me?"
⠀⠀"I don't see why not," Troutpelt chuckled.
⠀⠀Quailpaw turned back to the apprentices' den just as Redpaw came out into the clearing. Otterpaw, Rubblepaw, Pikepaw, Sleetpaw, and Lakepaw were already out of the den and going to find their mentors as well.
⠀⠀Quailpaw scampered over to Redpaw, smiling. "Hey!" she mewed. "Thistleleaf needed us to gather some marigold for her. I guess she has a lot of injured WindClan cats to take care of." Quailpaw just then thought about Heatherpelt and Leafpaw, the two medicine cats of WindClan. What had happened to them? Why couldn't they help? Were they injured too? Or just busy?
⠀⠀A flash of anxiety crossed Redpaw's green gaze for a second but it faded not long after. "O-oh, Thistleleaf?" he asked uncertainly.
⠀⠀Quailpaw frowned at him. "Yeah...why?" she meowed.
⠀⠀Redpaw shook himself. "Nothing." His whiskers twitched with amusement. "Sorry, I'm just a bit tired. Yeah, let's go!"
⠀⠀Relief flickered in Quailpaw's chest. She had felt a little worried for her friend but now he seemed back to normal. As they were heading towards the camp entrance, a voice called after them.
⠀⠀"Wait up!"
⠀⠀The RiverClan apprentices halted and turned around. The familiar jet-black pelt of Turtlepaw came into view as she bounded in their direction. "You're collecting herbs?"
⠀⠀"Yeah," Redpaw replied.
⠀⠀"Can I come too?" Turtlepaw asked, her paws kneading at the grass in a sort of impatient way.
⠀⠀"Of course!" Quailpaw chirped.
⠀⠀Redpaw narrowed his eyes. "I don't know how our leaders will feel with us being around each other," he meowed.
⠀⠀Turtlepaw sighed. "Yeah, I get that. But I don't wanna be cooped up here all day! Besides, we won't be out of camp for too long."
⠀⠀Quailpaw flicked Redpaw's shoulder with her tail-tip. "It'll be okay," she reassured him. She understood his concerns, but making friends with the "enemy" would make things easier. Perhaps after the WindClan camp was fully repaired, they'd realize this whole Icepaw drama could be put to the past.
⠀⠀Redpaw gave in finally. "Alright," he sighed. With that, he turned and took the lead out of the RiverClan camp.
⠀⠀Quailpaw padded at Turtlepaw's side, curiosity suddenly pricking at her mind. "How are you holding up? You mentioned at the last Gathering that Icepaw was your brother..." Her voice trailed off. Should she really have asked that? Turtlepaw might get upset and run back to camp.
⠀⠀But the black she-cat just cast her an unreadable gaze. She could see grief there, too, but there were so many different emotions that Quailpaw had issues telling which one the other apprentice was really feeling.
⠀⠀"It's...been hard. But I still have Sweetpaw and Rockpaw. They're my siblings as well. It's been easier to get through it with them here," Turtlepaw replied. Her words had started out slow and sad but gradually became more positive. Quailpaw guessed she was feeling just fine.
⠀⠀Redpaw glanced over his shoulder at the two of them. "Icepaw was your brother?" he meowed in surprise.
⠀⠀Turtlepaw nodded. "Yep."
⠀⠀"Huh," Redpaw mumbled, turning his head away and continuing on.
⠀⠀Eventually, the three apprentices came across the familiar orangish-yellow flowers of marigold. They each took a mouthful and were then ready to head back to camp. This trip had been a lot easier and relaxed than Quailpaw had thought. Having Turtlepaw around was helpful and, quite honestly, she liked the WindClan apprentice's company.
⠀⠀When the three cats finally returned to the RiverClan camp, Quailpaw and Turtlepaw headed towards Thistleleaf's den. When Quailpaw realized Redpaw wasn't following them, she halted and glanced over her shoulder. Turtlepaw did the same.
⠀⠀The ginger tom had stopped in his tracks, staring at the medicine den with hesitation and anxiety brimming in his green eyes. He didn't even seem to notice Quailpaw and Turtlepaw staring at him expectantly.
⠀⠀"Are you okay, Redpaw?" Quailpaw asked worriedly. "We need to get these herbs to Thistleleaf. She needs them."
⠀⠀"That's okay, I'll go ahead and take them from you right here."
⠀⠀Quailpaw turned her head and saw the long-furred medicine cat standing before them, her single eye gazing at them warmly.
⠀⠀Quailpaw dropped her mouthful at Thistleleaf's paws, and Turtlepaw did the same not long after. Redpaw still did not move until Thistleleaf gazed at him rather sharply. He approached the gray she-cat with slow steps and dropped his share of marigold before her. There was a moment when their muzzles almost touched when Redpaw lifted his head, which caused him to back up quickly.
⠀⠀Thistleleaf stared at him with an expressionless gaze before taking up the herbs the apprentices had delivered and headed back to her den.
⠀⠀Quailpaw frowned and glanced over at Redpaw, but he was already heading to Eeltail. She exchanged a confused glance with Turtlepaw.
⠀⠀"What's gotten into him?" Turtlepaw mewed.
⠀⠀"I don't know," she meowed, still staring after the tabby tom. "Redpaw just acts weird sometimes."

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