Chapter 14

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Clouds skidded across the moon, a breeze rustled through the grass and trees. The newly arrived leafbare turned the winds bitter and wilted every plant in sight. A quarter moon had passed since Rabbitstar's investigation of the RiverClan warriors and they'd been completely undisturbed since then.

Night overhung the world like a shadow. The silvery light from the moon was dimmed as thick, dark clouds swept across the sky. This oncoming storm was promising more than just rain.

Every RiverClan cat was tucked away in their nests and Quailpaw's ears and whiskers twitched as dreams of catching fish at the river danced in her mind.

But all the peace was disrupted as a loud, drawn-out caterwaul split across the clearing. Every cat was awoken immediately and a screech of pain was heard from the warriors' den.

Quailpaw scrambled to her feet and dashed out into the camp, Rubblepaw and Eaglepaw following at her heels.

"No! Put her down!"

Quailpaw turned her head and, in the darkness, she spotted the massive figure of a white tom and his scent brought with it the unmistakable tang of rabbit and wind. This was Hareleap, a WindClan warrior.

Dread and fear trickled through the Siamese she-cat's body and she instinctively unsheathed her claws.

Laketuft was standing with his ears flattened against his head as he stared at Hareleap in horror. That was when Quailpaw noticed Hareleap was holding Voletail firmly in his grasp with her whimpering against the ground.

"Why should I?" Hareleap snarled, a wicked grin stretching across his maw.

"What's all of this about?" Sagestar emerged from his den and his yellow eyes lit up in rage and shock as he spotted the WindClan tom.

Before anything else could happen, another yowl from the camp entrance screeched out, "WINDCLAN, ATTACK!"

Quailpaw was immediately swept away in battle and was no longer able to see Hareleap or Voletail or Laketuft. She was tackled to the ground. The darkness of the night blinded her and she could hardly make out her opponent. All she knew was that it was a tom from his scent.

She slashed her claws in every direction and satisfaction surged through her veins as they caught into flesh. The tom hissed but her triumph was crushed as he slammed his paw across her muzzle. Burning pain scorched across her face and she yelped. She attempted to kick at his underbelly but he skillfully blocked her. As he moved his face closer to hers, she recognized the yellow pelt of Yarrowbranch. "Time to die, fish-face," he snarled quietly in her ear.

Die? Quailpaw thought in horror. Was WindClan really attacking with the intent to kill? That was against the warrior code! Quailpaw tried to wiggle away from Yarrowbranch but it was no use. He was bigger and stronger than her.

As if some miracle heard her silent pleas for help, Yarrowbranch was suddenly barreled over onto the ground. Troutpelt had been the one to do it. His lips were drawn back into a snarl, revealing his teeth. "Don't ever touch my apprentice again!" he hissed.

Yarrowbranch stood his ground but before he could do anything, Troutpelt lashed out with a forepaw and raked the WindClan tom across the muzzle. He yowled in pain and turned tail, fleeing back into the crowd.

"Are you okay?" Troutpelt panted. Quailpaw nodded. Still feeling a little shaken from being attacked, the Siamese told herself there was more to come. She needed to toughen up. But then a jolt of fear stabbed through her belly. What if she met Turtlepaw in this battle? They'd be forced to fight or they'd be in trouble.

She swept her gaze across the fray of thrashing tails and paws, the sound of screeching the only thing filling her ears. Shock rippled through her body when she spotted Rabbitstar and Sagestar fighting with all their might against each other. From the looks of it, Rabbitstar was being more successful. She had the black leader pinned to the ground, her sharp claws digging into his shoulders. Great StarClan, someone help him! she thought in panic.

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