Chapter 13

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Quailpaw was a little disappointed that she hadn't been chosen for the Gathering but she supposed it was for the best. The tensions between RiverClan and WindClan scared her a little. She didn't want to see a fight break out if she was honest with herself. Otterpaw, Rubblepaw, and Pikepaw had been chosen and all of Lavenderpetal's kits would be attending. Rubblepaw was seated very close to Heatherpaw, chatting with her happily. Quailpaw smiled for them but did not leave her place in the apprentice den entrance. Eaglepaw had gone to bed early.

Sagestar emerged from his den with Cloverheart. With a swish of his long tail, the RiverClan leader called out, "It's time to go to the Gathering!" With that, the large patrol slipped out of the RiverClan camp.

Quailpaw stared after them for a few heartbeats.

"Hey, Quail," Turtlepaw purred as she moved to the den entrance beside her. Quailpaw jumped a little, having completely forgotten that Turtlepaw had also stayed behind. Excitement flickered in her chest.

"Hi," she greeted back warmly. Sweetpaw, Rockpaw, and Mousepaw had been picked for the Gathering as well and so only she, Turtlepaw, and Eaglepaw were the remaining apprentices in the camp.

Turtlepaw sighed. "It sucks that I have to go home tomorrow," she murmured.

Quailpaw tried to push down her disappointment at remembering Rabbitstar would be in RiverClan again the next day to collect the apprentices and have Lucius sniff out which cat killed Icepaw. "W-well, don't you want to go home?" Quailpaw inquired.

Turtlepaw sat back on her haunches and curled her tail over her paws. "I guess," she replied. "But I like being with you! You're a good friend, Quailpaw. You've been very kind to me despite the trouble our Clans are going through."

Quailpaw shrugged. "It's not your fault it's happening," she meowed. "And Sagestar is very kind to let you stay here. Most leaders wouldn't be that compassionate."

Turtlepaw twitched her whiskers. "Do you think he's only letting us stay so he can use it against Rabbitstar?"

Quailpaw frowned. "Hmmm...I haven't thought about that. Maybe. But who knows? Adults do weird things."

She felt her heart speeding up in her chest and couldn't exactly understand why it was doing that. She felt very different around Turtlepaw and remembered the thoughts that had crossed her mind when Troutpelt took her out training. Dear StarClan, what's happening to me? she wondered.

"I just hope all of this gets settled soon," Turtlepaw spoke again. "I miss Icepaw and I'd love to know who killed him so I feel some sort of peace could've been anyone. I still think it was a rogue. The warrior code strictly forbids Clan cats from killing one another."

"Yeah, but there's always cats who break the code," Quailpaw pointed out. "It could've been a ThunderClan cat or a ShadowClan cat. If it was a Clan cat, I'm putting my bets on ShadowClan. They're a creepy bunch."

Turtlepaw chuckled softly but the smile faded almost immediately. Grief shone in her brilliant green gaze as she stared down at her paws.

Quailpaw moved a little closer to her friend until their pelts were brushing. "It's okay," she murmured. "Icepaw is watching you from StarClan now. I'm sure he doesn't want this war to be happening over his death."

Turtlepaw sighed. "You're right," she meowed. After a pause, she looked at Quailpaw. "I'm...gonna go to sleep. It's late."

Quailpaw blinked at her. "I'll follow," she said, yawning. She realized she was also quite tired and, as she headed to her nest, she prayed that tomorrow wouldn't be absolutely disastrous.

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