Chapter 12

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Quailpaw had to admit, her first few days back to training weren't that exciting. Currently, she was stuck in the elders' den with Rubblepaw, searching Heronstep and Foxstripe for ticks. Thistleleaf has given them moss soaked in mouse bile. It was one of the grossest things Quailpaw had ever smelled in her life. Well, I'm finally paired up with Rubblepaw, at least, she thought, trying to cheer herself up.

Unfortunately, Quailpaw had been given Foxstripe for this task. Foxstripe had been a very fierce and respected warrior before retiring and her russet pelt was covered in battle scars. She was still sharp-tongued and grouchy which made Quailpaw very nervous. "There's still one behind my ear," Foxstripe grumbled out moodily.

Quailpaw lifted the mouse bile towards the elderly she-cat's ear, watching the tick fall off.

"Don't be so harsh, Foxstripe," Heronstep meowed to his denmate. "Quailpaw is doing an excellent job. And so is Rubblepaw." Quailpaw envied Rubblepaw for having the nice elder. The freckled apprentice beamed at Heronstep's comment but shot Quailpaw a sympathetic look.

"Ah, her father always complained when I told him to check Berrycloud for ticks. She doesn't seem to be enjoying this, are you, Quailpaw?" Foxstripe meowed in a sort of taunting way.

Quailpaw blinked in surprise. "You mentored my father?" she asked.

Foxstripe scoffed. "Didn't tell you, huh?" she inquired. "Of course he didn't. Brokenwing was a timid apprentice and I think I scared him a few times. Probably doesn't want to remember those days. But I was a good mentor to him. Look how he's turned out." For the first time ever, Quailpaw saw a smile break across the russet elder's muzzle.

Then she sighed. "I felt bad for 'im, honestly," she murmured. "He was born with a twisted paw and his mother had the heart to name him Brokenkit." She shook her head. "Aspenstar called him Brokenwing to show how far he'd come and how strong he was." Her whiskers quivered. "You have a good father, Quailpaw. I remember him trailing after Mistpaw constantly and it wasn't a surprise to anyone when they became mates."

They may not be mates for much longer, she thought fearfully.

"I think you've gotten all the ticks. Thank you, Rubblepaw," Heronstep purred.

"Yeah, you can go too, Quailpaw," Foxstripe rasped. Quailpaw was surprised by how kind the elder was being all of a sudden and felt respect for her surge through her chest.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here below the willow tree for a Clan meeting!"

Rubblepaw and Quailpaw both perked up immediately as Sagestar's voice boomed across the clearing. They raced from the elders' den together. "What do you think happened now? Was it WindClan?" Rubblepaw muttered to her. "I guess we'll find out," she responded.

Rubblepaw and Quailpaw sat down together and, as they did so, Quailpaw felt another cat slip in beside her. Heat flashed in her chest when she spotted Turtlepaw. "Oh, hey!" she greeted happily.

The black apprentice flicked Quailpaw's shoulder with her tail-tip. "Hey, fish-breath," she purred.

Quailpaw rolled her eyes in amusement. All the WindClan apprentices except for Leafpaw and Briarpaw still remained in RiverClan. The last few warriors that had decided to stay left just two sunrises ago. Turtlepaw, Rockpaw, Sweetpaw, and Mousepaw were adjusting with RiverClan and still refused to go home until the WindClan camp was fully repaired.

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