Chapter 16 "The dinner"

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Chapter 16

He opened the car door for me when we reached it

"Here we go Miss Adams" He said offering his hand for me

"Thanks" I said taking by his hands and jumping in. I went in and he closed the door for me, what a gentleman.

"I was always looking forward to do this with the right one" He said with the best smile ever. Aww that's sweet

"And I'm that one?"

"I've just done that so yeah you're the one" He said and we moved. YOU'RE THE ONE !! I like this Harry.

"This dress looks hot on you" He said breaking the silence

"Thanks, and your outfit is pretty good too, little bit formal but cool" I like the way he wears suits and this dinner seems important to him as it is for me.

"I was gonna say sexy but I saw your Bakery standing behind and I thought I shouldn't say it"

"First of all his name is Beck and you know it well and second thanks a lot dear I was afraid that it will look a bit fancy but with your suit I'm good"

"You've just said you liked my suit and now you're making fun of it" He said with his thick accent

"No you idiot I didn't mean that I meant that my outfit is proper since you're wearing the suit, idiot" I said and looked out of the window and I can feel his eyes on me every 2 minutes at least.

"Here" He said parking the car and I took a deep breathe before meeting those people that I've only seen in pictures 

"Nervouse?" He asked

"A little" I said and my eyes met his

"Don't worry I'm here" He said resting his hand on my thigh, now he's making me more nervous

"Let's go" I said and I opened the door and jumped out.

"I was gonna do this for you" He said when he's out too

"oh I can get in and-"

"No need I'll do it on our way back, okay?" He cut me off and we both went towards the door and he's the one who rang the bell

"Okay" I said in a low voice taking another deep breathe

"Hey guys" Anne said in a loud cheery voice and Harry cleared the pass for me

"Hi" I said giving a small wave 

"Come in" She said clearing the pass too and I went to stand right beside Harry

"I'm Anne Harry's mother" She stretched her hands for me to shake it

"Yeah I know and I'm Victoria Young his friend" Opss "I mean-" I can't find words

"It’s okay sweetie come in" She said after a short laugh taking a step towards the living room but-

"Wait" Gemma rushed from upstairs and we stopped for her. "Hey" She said giving me a hug "I'm Gemma his sister" Why are they introducing themselves as if I don't know them?

"Hi" I said giving her a small wave. I'm still nervous.

"Then you're Victoria right?" 

"Yes I'm" I said moving both of my hands in a playfully way. How could she know my name?

"Harry talks about you all the time" Well that's an explanation

"You do?" I looked up at him with my best smile ever.

"Well I think we should start that dinner now or we're gonna be late" He said rubbing his chin and looking at Gemma then back to me

"Sure It's already done, let's go" Anne said heading to the dining room and we followed

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