Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Victoria’s P.O.V

The first day of school. Something that I don’t like to face at all but we all have to face it. I woke up 2 hours early to get ready on time because Daisy would kill us if we were late for a single second, and by us I mean me and Beck. I do really need to get my own ride. I don’t need a car, I’m looking forward to get a motorcycle, and it will suit me more than a car. Thank god we made it on time and we were able to grab some coffee before looking for our classes and getting our books, lockers and those lame school stuff.

“I like your outfit today, all thanks to me” Daisy said as she noticed that I’m wearing one of the new clothes we got yesterday, and guess what. I adore it. It’s only a dress with some flowers and a jacket jeans above it. It was her choice actually and that’s why she compliments me.

“Of course all thanks to you” I answered as we reached Beck’s locker “So Mr. Lover. Who’s your Mrs. Lucky girl?” I wondered as he dug his face into the locker so I can’t see him

“You’ll know today, maybe at lunch”

“Can’t wait” I said taking a sib from my coffee. I had to get a huge back bag to put all of my books in it as I’m only using one hand. I’m dying to get my hand back.

“You’ll surprised” Daisy added as we walked to find our lockers.

“You know who is she?” I’m already surprised that she knows

“Hell yeah, but he asked me not to tell you because you were gonna kill both of them” WHAT?!

“Why would I do that? I would love best for him. He is Bakie after all” Why wouldn’t he tell me?! Why would he even think that I might ruin his relationship?

“Because you hate her”

“Why-?” I said looking around to face Beck but he was vanished “Where is he?” I wondered

“I don’t know. He was following us”

“Okay. Change subject” I asked her

“How are things going between you and Mr. Styles?”

“Fine” I simply answered because I can’t really figure out the answer. I felt lonely without him but I think this feeling didn’t help at all otherwise, it made it worst.


“Yeah” I said taking a pause to look around, our lockers should be here somewhere “Here” I said pointing to it with my coffee cup. A few guys were running and when I tried to step back few steps, an asshole hit me and the coffee fell on the ground. Thank god it was only a few left inside and thank god that my new dress passed through it without a tiny drop.

“What the hell?” I shouted

“Sorry. I’m so sorry, there was a race but I think I’ve already lost it, are you okay?” His face his familiar

“Yeah I’m fine. Now go before I change my mind” I said moving few steps away

“I’m sorry again” He apologized once more

“It’s okay, really. Now go to your friends”


“No problem” I said moving through people to get to my locker

“OMG!! Tyler Collins hit you and said SORRY!!”

“What’s wrong with that? Who is this Tyler anyway?” He seems familiar but I don’t really remember him. I have more important shit to do than memorizing some asshole who gave my coffee to the dear floor. I need to put my books in the locker then head to the first class.

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