Locked Eyes

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" Bye mom! Bye dad!" I waved as I drove out of our driveway and onto to the road. I was excited and anxious at the same time because I was going to a place with new people that I've never seen before. To make me feel better, I called my best friend Tayiba Uddin. She's a nurse at Henry Ford Hospital. " It's gonna be great Thanzeela. Trust me!! It's always nice to meet new people. Maybe you'll meet that certain someone at this camp!" she mused. "Oh shut up Tayiba! you're always hoping for something like that to happen." I said as I shook my head. "I'll pray for ya girl!" she said. I said bye and hung up. I swear I could feel butterflies in my stomach as I was cursing her.

After registering, I sat in the counselors' waiting room in a table by myself. This happens quite frequently for me actually. There was an old lady dressed in overalls assigning the counselors to different groups of kids. I didn't want to be the only counselor; worse be stuck with another counselor that I don't like.

"Hey, you're Thanzeela right?" the old lady asked me. I said," yea. What's your name?" " I'm Mrs. Withers. Your group is 13; they're the kids by the vending machine. Each group has two counselors. The other counselor in your group isn't here yet. So we're waiting for him." she said.

I met up with my group. They all were nice kids thankfully. Hopefully the other counselor was nice. A kid in my group called my name and when I turned around, I came face to face more like eyes to eyes with a guy who looked about 25/26 years old.

He was about average height. About 5''6-5"8 ft. His skin was pale, radiating under the room's light. He had straight black hair that needed some cutting and a beard which ran to the end of his chin. He had round almond shaped eyes the color of coffee and he smelled like sandalwood.

My first words were," yes?" I sounded like a mouse who saw a hungry cat. "Oh no. I didn't say anything. It was Jason who called you." he said in a calm and clear voice. His voice was deep but hollow at the same time.

I felt like he stripped me naked with his eyes when I heard his voice. I never felt more aroused with lust in my entire life... " Oh. I'm sorry! I thought--- I misunderstood." I said weakly. Then he said," That's alright. I'm Bashar by the way. Bashar Khan. What's your name?"

I said," Thanzeela Ebrahim."

"Nice meeting you Thanzeela." he replied.

We grouped the kids in a line and made a head count. Then, we showed the kids to their rooms and took them to the cafeteria so they can play a game with the camp staff. Meanwhile, the counselors were to scout the area and plan where they will take their group and what they will do the next day.

The entire time, I felt my cheeks every once in a while and they were warm. My throat felt dry and was having a hard time talking and breathing. We were walking in the woods and were silent like the trees up above.

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