First Day Jitters and Bets

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My overjoyed parents told our close family that I got a job and am working as an official doctor. They didn't want to tell everyone as that might make them jealous.

Typical desi moves.

The next day was my first day of work. To be honest, I was a bit scared. Those butterflies in my stomach were the excat same as the ones I had on my first day of school.

I felt like a little kid again....


My dad said he will figure something out about the bike. Until then, I rode in the Indian version of a cab: the auto. It's a form of public transportation.

9:15 am-

I got to the hospital and to my room. It looked alot better than yesterday. But I still had to personalize it. On my desk I found my ID card and my lab coat. I put it on *took a few selfies of course* opened my desktop computer and began....

3:30 pm-

It was only the first day and I saw over 15-20 patients!! What a busy day. I didn't have another appointment until 5 pm so I had time for lunch.

I went to the cafeteria and on the way I met a group of assistant doctors from different departments. Pathology, gynecology, dentistry, and immunology. I was the only cheif doctor.

They were all nice. I didn't expect to make so many friends on the first day. Out of them all, the doctor from the dentistry department Priya Akash and I became really close. And the doctor from the Gynecology department Ashwin Sundar knew Priya so we were pretty close.

" So America huh? How is it trying to adjust yourself in India and Chennai's harshness?" asked Ashwin.

" Ha, it's hard but I don't think it's impossible so that's good." I replied.

" Give her a break Ash, I love traveling. Do you?" asked Priya.

Along with others who continued chattering and asked me questions. Among all the commotion, I spotted cat eyes starring at me from across the cafeteria.

I made immediate eye contact with him. He was sitting with the other cheif doctors. Technically I belonged to that group but whatever. I could sit with whoever I wanted.

After lunch, I went back to my cabin and got an email from the receptionist that the 5pm appointment was cancelled and was postponed to this Saturday. I was glad because I don't work on Saturdays.

I only work 4 days a week. Mon-Thurs.

So I was free for the day. I was going to say Hi to the Dean quickly but the receptionist whose name I learned was Akshara said that he isn't hear today and will be here tomorrow.

So I got on the elevator. The neurology floor was on the 8th floor out of the 10 floors at the hospital. The elevator opened at the 6th floor and in walked the person I least expected.

That's right; it was cat eyes.

He had a buisness casual appearance today. Less formal than yesterday but still formal. What is he trying to do?

" Well, we meet again God's Gift" he said slyly.

" What do you mean 'God's Gift'?" I asked.

" It's your name silly. Thanzeela. It means gift from God or God's gift in Arabic." he replied.

" Oh yea. How did you know?" I asked.

" I mean your name, it's in the Holy Quran. I also know Arabic fluently." he said

I was astounded. This guy is Muslim? And why was that important?

" Oh. So are you--" " yes I am Muslim." he finished.

The elevator door opened again but this time, there was nobody that came.

" How come you work here?" I asked.

" I am cheif Ophthalmologist as of today. That's why I was at the interview yesterday. The Dean wanted a bunch of doctors and I applied so boom!! It all worked out." he replied.

" Oh wow, you are a doctor as well? I am cheif neurologist. Makes sense why we were at the same interview yesterday." I said.

" Huh. I was right all along. I assumed you were a doctor. But I didn't think you to be a cheif doctor. Because you were sitting with the assistant doctors during lunch tod--"

" What does that mean?" I interrupted. The elevator door opened at the 4th floor and still nobody came.

" What do you mean?" he asked. " I mean what made you think I couldn't be a cheif doctor? Do you think I'm stupid?" I was blazing with unnecessary anger. *To this day i never understood why I acted that way*

" Umm no. If you really were stupid, you wouldn't have come this far and gotten a doctorate. In fact, I think you are very smart and beautiful. But slightly short tempered if you will." he said with a chuckle.

I grew quiet. He called me beautiful. What? Fuck you. I wasn't ready to go through that again. I wasn't emotionally ready to do so.

I decided to pretend I didn't notice his compliment and changed the topic.

" How come your English has an American accent?" I said.

" My siblings and I were all born and raised in America. We lived in Manhattan all our lives. Cuz my dad retired, he wanted us to all live and get married and stuff here; so we moved a couple years ago." he replied.

Just then the elevator door opened at the first floor and I was happy.

I started to quickly walk away and find an auto home.

" Hey wait a minute!!" he yelled.

I turned around and said, " What is it?"

" What happened to your bike? Are you waiting for a ride?" he asked.

" I'm having my dad do something about it I don't know. I was gonna go home in an auto." I replied emotionlessly.

" Ohh, alright. I could take you home but there are tons of girls in high school and college who live around here and if they see us together... I don't want their hearts to break you know?" he mused.

I sighed a sigh of annoyance and said," listen. I have no idea what it is but I have always felt negative vibes from your precence, what do you think of yourself?

A celebrity or idol who all the girls will look up to? You are not that big of a deal. ok? Such narcissism gosh.."

" what? I'm not narcissistic, you don't unders-" he began.

I don't feel comfortable around you. Why do you keep wanting to talk to me? You know what that is called?" I fired.

" Yes, that is called a pervert Thanzeela. I am aware of that. But I know you don't think of me that way. There is something else and I won't give up till I find it." he said

" Alright Mr. Know-It-All. Let's make a bet alright?

In 40 days if you somehow impress me and find that 'something else of yours' then I will do what ever you say and if you don't then you have to do what I say and that is for you to get the fuck out of my life and never show your face again. Is that clear? Are we shaking hands on this bet?" I questioned with confidence.

He stared at me with a glare and slyness.

"That is clear with me. 40 days huh? Only 40 days for me to get you to love me? Alright God's Gift. Prepare to become my gift in 40 days or less." he said and shook my hands with confidence.

" Ha. You think I love you? Or have any sort of feelings for you? Boy are you mistaken Dr.--"

" It's Dr. Adam Kamal by the way and yes I know it cuz your eyes said it all the day of our interview." he shot back.

" Alright. So be it. See you tomorrow. There is nothing else to say; only action will do until the end of those 40 days." I said with mischeif.

Just then an auto arrived and got in and he got onto his bike and neither of us looked back as the auto turned out of Blue Lotus Hospital.

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