andrew benintendi; boston red sox

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I sat in my usual seats, the front row in front of the Red Sox dugout. Andrew likes to put me there so he can "keep an eye on me and make sure I'm not being abducted." He's always been the overprotective best friend, but it's cute.

It's actually extremely attractive. I have the typical story. I became best friends with Andrew in middle school and gradually my feelings just grew for him. Here we are now. We actually live together, in separate rooms obviously but that never stops Andrew from coming in and laying in bed with me while we stay up talking until the early hours of the morning, conversing about our lives and the future.

Andrew has no idea about my feelings. I smiled to myself as I thought about spending the rest of my life with Andrew. The bottom of the first started, so I looked up knowing Andrew would be up soon. He came up to bat and cheered for him loudly, as usual.

He hit a bouncer down the third base line which was fair but it was going to be close. He sprinted to first and took one last leap to hopefully be safe. Andrew's foot stepped on the corner of the bag, his leg twisting the wrong way, everyone in the crowd "oohing" over the gross injury that just occurred. Andrew fell to the ground and clutched his ankle.

My hand flew to my mouth as tears came out of my eyes. Immediately, Brock came over the dugout and pointed at me. I left my seat and ran to the clubhouse to meet Andrew.

I heard crying coming closer to the door, so I immediately wiped my tears. I didn't want Andrew to see me upset, it would make him even more upset. The door opened and Andrew had his arm around two trainers, not applying pressure to his right ankle. My eyes immediately softened as we made eye contact.

He collapsed into my arms and cried onto my shoulder. I rubbed his back in any attempt to calm him down. "It hurts so bad." He cried and I ran my hands through his hair. "I know, baby. You're gonna be okay." I told him. Andrew hardly ever cried, especially about pain so that's how you know it's bad.

"He really needs to go to the hospital. He's gonna need surgery tonight." A trainer told me and I nodded, letting go of him.

I rode with Andrew and the trainers to the hospital, but they sent me away from him immediately after. I waited in the waiting room for his surgery to finish. Someone came out and told me he was ready for visitors, so I immediately came went in.

"Oh, honey." I said as I saw him, his leg all wrapped up. He gave me a sad smile and I gave him a big hug, rubbing his back. His hot tears slid onto my shoulder silently. I really felt for him. He was gonna be out probably for the rest of the year.

"I called your parents and they're coming as soon as they can. The team is coming tomorrow because it's already past 1 am. I was only allowed in here because I told them we're dating." I joked and he laughed.

"I love you, Jennie Rose." He told me and I smiled. "I love you Andrew." I replied and he shook his head. "No, like I love you, Jennie. Like, so damn much it isn't even funny. Like I want to kiss you and hold you and marry you one day kind of love." He told me and my eyes immediately widened. "Shoot, I shouldn't have said anything." He said and I shook my head.

"No, no. I'm so glad you did. Andrew I've had feelings for you for years. Like, probably starting in high school. I love you, Andrew Benintendi." I told him and smiles appeared on both of our faces.

I sat on the edge of the bed, as close to him as I could. He placed his hand on my cheek softly and I immediately leaned into him. I have been craving his touch for years, and he just told me he loves me back.

He ran his thumb across my face, "can I kiss you?" He whispered. "I've never been kissed before." I told him honestly. "Well how lucky am I, I'll be your first and last." He smiled and leaned in, kissing me slowly.

I've never been kissed before, but if I had, this would be the best by far. He was slow and soft but also the passion was there.

"I love you, Jennie Rose. I can't tell you how happy I am to be your first kiss and how happy it makes me that I'll be your last."

a/n: my requests are open! request on the first chapter or in messages :) hope y'all liked this one!!

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