aaron judge; new york yankees

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I sighed contently as I walked down the beach, hand and hand with my brand new husband, Aaron. Aaron and I got married in December, and we jetted off right away to our honeymoon in Greece. It's always been my dream to go to Santorini, ever since I was a kid. So when we started thinking about places to go, I immediately proposed Santorini and here we are.

"Jessica, we're married." Aaron said smiling and I nodded. "Wow, we're married." I couldn't believe it. We've been friends since elementary school, but parted ways after high school for college and baseball. We kept in touch and I went to visit him one day 5 years ago and we got really drunk and both confessed our feelings for each other and now here we are.

He stopped and I stopped as well, staring up at him in confusion. "What-" Aaron cut me off by kissing me passionately. I stumbled back but gained my balance and put my hands on both sides of his waist, kissing back with just as much passion.

His hands roamed my waist as I squeezed his hip, causing him to lean into my touch. "Hey, there's children here! Get a room!" We turned around and saw a woman giving us an extremely dirty look, gesturing to her two little boys on each side of her.

"Sorry ma'am! Just trying to get it on with my hot wife!" He yelled and grabbed my hand, running towards our hotel and leaving the woman speechless.

He picked me up bridal style, causing me to squeal. I threw my head back in laughter. Aaron took advantage of my tilted head and started kissing down my neck. I sighed in content, but when he got closer to my collarbone, I knew what he wanted.

"Babe, we can't do this here." I told him and he shrugged. "Why not?" He said smirking and my eyes widened. "You're a professional baseball player! I don't need our sex on the beach all over the internet!" I yelled at him and he laughed loudly, smiling.

"This is why I love you." He told me and I smiled. "Love you more." I rolled my eyes, causing him to chuckle. "So, what do you say we, you know, head back to the room?" He whispered in my ear causing me to blush.

"I thought you'd never ask."

We made it to our room in probably record time. Aaron laid me down and hovered on top me. He leaned down next to my neck, "I love you, wifey. And I have every intention of showing you that right now."

a/n: i have the worst writers block rn with tons of requests to complete. i know this is super short but to me i feel like i'd rather publish something i'm proud of thats shorter than something that's really long and not good.

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