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Peter is 3 years old in this chapter

"Peter slow down for a second please" he stopped but you could feel him buzzing from energy.
He never seems to tire out.
I finally catch up and said "you gotta slow down a little bud i would like to think i'm fast but not like i was in the old day's" he smiled and nodded and then we continued walking and he kept glancing at my feet making sure he wasn't ahead of me and also that they were in sync.

I adopted peter a couple months ago from a boy's home.
He was the youngest out of all the boys but by far the funnest. And i learned that his previous family died by a break in/ murder and peter was in the house while everything was happening.

We make it to the park and i let him run lose by himself while sitting down on the bench.
At the park he mostly just kept to himself swung on the swings ran around the play set went down slides. I tried to help him the first time we came here but he didn't like it so i stopped and sat down.
Just then i heard "which one is yours" i look over and see a girl. I say "the one that's running around" she seemed to find him and she laughed and said "he must be terror for naps and bedtime" i nod and said "it takes forever and by the time he does finally fall asleep it's time for dinner" she laughed some more and i said "which one is yours" she pointed at a girl with brown frizzy hair and she was playing with a group of kid's.
She said "her name is michelle" i nod and then i looked again and she was gone.
After the park me and peter are walking home. We make it there and he practically ran through the door to inside.
I walk inside and see the park did absolutely nothing to make him tired in the slightest. I make him lunch and while he was eating it steve came out and ruffled his hair and he pulled away smiling and steve was smiling too. He knew how much peter loved it but acted like he hated it.
He walked over to me and said "so did the park help with anything" i nod no and said "he practically ran home" steve just laughed and said "good luck with nap time" i smile and nod saying "thanks for that steve" he said "that's what i'm here for" and then patted my back.
After lunch i take peter to his room and it took about an hour and a half to finally get him to fall asleep.
I leave the room quietly and sit down on the couch and nat walked out and said "where's the kid did you finally leave him at the park" i said "ha ha no he's down for a nap" she nodded and then sat down and turned the tv on and turned on some documentary on russia.
A couple hour's later and a much needed nap i woke up to loud noises. I quickly get up and see nat and pinned to the ground clint. I roll my eye's and look at the time and see that peter should be up by now.
I walk into his room and see him out of bed and sitting on the floor doing something. I sit down next to him and said "hey what are you doing" he said "look" i do look and see a picture colored taped onto his door. I smile and said "how long have you been awake" he shrugged and then jumped up and we left his room and he sat down on the couch with me and i go to turn the channel but nat spoke up and said "don't change it" i set the remote down.
Peter seemed interested in it his eye's couldn't stay still he looked at the entire screen. Not soon after steve walked out and broke up the fight with nat and clint.
Clint sat down on the couch next to peter but peter wasn't paying attention to anything but the tv. Another hour passed by and it was dinner time and tonight we are having chicken.
Peter practically scarfed it down like his life depended on it which it didn't and then he started talking about the park and how he met a girl named michelle which reminded me of the weird girl at the park. After everyone was done eating i took peter to his room and changed him into pajamas and put him to bed and then left and walked down to the lab not feeling tired.
In the middle of the night i heard tiny footsteps coming down the stairs. I look up from the suit and see peter rubbing his eye's walking down the stairs. He finally made it down and opened the glass door and walked over to me and sat down on a stool and i said "what's up bud what are you doing awake" he said "i had a bad dream" i nod and then he leaned his head on my arm and i smile to myself and soon enough he was right back to sleep i pick him up and lay him in my room and whisper to friday to shut the lab down.
I layed down with peter and he hung onto me. I soon fell asleep and but woke up to peter gripping my shirt tight.
And then he woke up and i said "you okay" he put on the same smile and said "yeah" and then jumped out of bed and i look to see it's about time that i would get up. I walk out of my room and into the kitchen and see it's raining outside and i start on peter's breakfast.
He sat down and ate it and they all started trickling out of their rooms kind of surprised to see the kid up so early i usually don't have him up at 6 in the morning the earliest is 8 and the latest is 10. After breakfast we are sitting in the living room watching some cartoon i turned on but peter didn't seem interested he was just bouncing his legs up and down. We couldn't go to the park due to the rain finally he jumped up off the couch and said "i'm so bored" i laugh and said "it's raining outside so we can't go to the park" he said "what's so bad about rain that makes it that nobody wants to go outside is it acid or to cold i mean rain has done nothing but water your crops and give homeless people water to drink and stray dogs water to drink and give people bath water i mean if you really think about it it's done more good then the sun because all the sun does is sit up there burning people alive while rain cools you off" i laugh and said "are you done" he nodded and i said "we can go outside in the cold rain if you go get changed" he ran to his room and i smile.
We walk outside and he spent an hour outside jumping in puddles and trying to catch rain drops in his mouth and stuff like that. After an hour he walked up his nose was red and wet i say "you ready to go inside" he nodded and then we walked in inside and he walked to his room and a few minutes later came out dressed in another pair of pajamas and sat down on the couch covering up.
I smile and then sit down next to him turning the tv back on and after a few minutes he actually fell asleep like without a fight.
That was the strangest thing that has happened since adopting him he's never done that before. It was extremely weird but i guess he did get up earlier then he usually did.

A couple hour's later he woke up and stretched out and took the cover off and i said "it's lunch time if your hungry" he nodded and then i got up and walked into the kitchen and started lunch.
He was eating it when nat walked out of her room and looked closely at peter and said "why is your nose so red" i look and he said "the rain" i smile and she did the same and then poured herself a drink and sat down across from him.
Later that afternoon though nick called and told us to come to shield tower. I haven't got called in since adopting peter so i didn't have a babysitter so just brought him along.

We make it there and walk inside and into the meeting room and peter sat on my lap and stayed quiet the entire time which is once again odd since he is usually either always moving and talking.
After the meeting we had to leave to get suited up. Peter followed and i look down at him and said "you okay" he said "yeah" while smiling.
We get changed and now it's time to leave and peter can't come with us i bend down on one knee and i said "i have to go now i'll be back" he said "no" while hugging the armor i sigh and say "peter at most it'll be a couple hours i promise i'll come back" he didn't let go and i run his back and said "pete i have to go" i couldn't feel it but it seemed like he held on tighter. I finally go to stand up but he said "please don't leave me" i said "i promise i'll be back peter i have to go" and then maria walked over and picked peter up which he fought i said "i love you" and then left.

The next day

I finally make it back to shield and i quickly walked through the front door in busted up armor.
I walk to the main area and i look around and then i heard "i think this belongs to you" and i turn around to maria holding a sleeping peter i quickly jump out of the suit and she handed him to me and said "he didn't fall asleep until around 5 said he was waiting for you to get back" i nod and then say "thank you for watching him" she nodded and then walked away.
I order for the suit to follow us and we walked home. We walk inside and i take peter to his room and lay him down in his bed and then sit down in a chair i put in his room that has barely been used.
He woke up at like 7 at night and looked around and saw me and jumped out of bed and jumped onto me and squeezed me tight.
After a few minutes he pulled away and said "you lied" while moving back to his bed i said "how am i a liar i came back" he said "you said a couple hour's a couple is 2 hours you were gone for more then 2 hours" i smile and said "i'm sorry i didn't think it would take longer" he didn't say anything i sigh and said "you were in good hands though those people wouldn't let anything happen to you and if there was even a slight chance of danger near or around you i would of been there quicker then you can say peter" i saw a hint of a smile and i said "come on dinner is done i think it's your favorite" he jumped off the bed and walked out of the room and i got up and left the room with him.
I can't imagine being away from him for more then a couple hour's. And if something were to happen to me or him then i probably would never forgive myself.
I love this kid more then i have ever loved anything.

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