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A couple weeks later

"Peter i'm sorry i'm so so so sorry please" i just run away.
I run to the tower even though i was supposed to call tony or someone to pick me up.
I run up the stairs feeling like i can barely breathe. I walk through the front door and straight to my room and shut and lock the door.
I lean against my bed and i put my head in my hands and try to slow down my breath and am counting to 100 like i looked up on how to help one but it wasn't working and then my phone started to ring and i can't answer because i don't need anyone seeing me like this.
A few minutes later i start to feel lightheaded from the lack of oxygen and my eye's were growing heavier and heavier by the second and the phone ringing in the background sounds far away and so does the knocking on my bedroom door which i have no control of. I finally give in and pass out.

Tony's p.o.v
I try to talk to peter but he just went straight to his room.
Tonight was his third date with harry. I walk to his room and knock don't hear anything i say "peter is everything okay" but no answer i go to open the door but it's locked and i knock a little harder and still nothing i said "peter can you open the door please" still nothing and then steve walked out and said "is everything okay" i said "i don't know he just ran inside and into his room and is now not opening it" steve then decided to knock and say "pete buddy are you okay" nothing and then i heard kind of a thud and steve kicked open the door hearing the same thing.
We both rush in and see peter passed out on his floor and i was the first one by him trying to shake him awake which wasn't working.

We took peter to the hospital and i am sitting in the room with him and he's still passed out.
Stephen walked in and motioned me to follow so we didn't wake him up and i come with him. He said after i closed the door "he seems to have suffered a severe panic attack" i nod and said "if it was that then why did he pass out" he said "it's common when your having a severe panic attack there is less oxygen moving to the brain making it more likely to pass out" i nod and said "is he going to be okay" he nodded and said "he should be fine but has this ever happened" i said "he's has panic attacks in the past but not as bad and if they were i was always there to help him through it" he nodded and said "do you think anything specific happened to cause this" i said "the only thing that comes to mind is that he had a date with his boyfriend tonight but i don't get why that would cause something like this to happen" he nodded again and said "well i'll be by later when he's awake with the discharge papers and then your free to take him home but just let him take it easy for the next couple of day's" i nod and then he walked away to another patient.
I walk back into the room and see peter still asleep.
A couple hour's later he woke up and we left. He sat on the couch and turned the tv on something and i said "do you wanna go to school tomorrow" he nodded yeah and i said "so what happened on the date with you and harry" he said "nothing special" i smile and say "peter you ended up in the hospital obviously something happened" he sighed and said "nothing i just got overwhelmed" i sat up more and said "was he pressuring you do so-" he said "ew no dad i don't know it was kind of like that day at school i'm fine now" i look at him and his eye's never left the tv.
I say "look me in the eye and say you are fine and then i'll believe you" he turned to face me and said "i'm fine" i nod and he sighed and said "i'm going to bed" and then got up and walk to his room. I look at what he was watching and it was what we used to watch when he first came home i wonder why he never seemed interested in it before.
The next morning i wake up in the morning and walk out of my room and walk into the kitchen to start the pot of coffee a few minutes later peter walked out of ready to go and i poured myself a cup of coffee and took it with me. I drive him to school and he said "see you after school" i nod and said "see you after school" and then got out and walked into the school.

Peter's p.o.v
I walk into the school to my locker and open it and i heard "hey peter i called you yesterday to see how the date was going but you never picked up" i said "oh sorry" not wanting to think about it.
He said "hey is everything okay" i said "yeah everything is fine i'm just tired sorry" he smiled and said "it's fine you don't need to apologize anyway how did it go" i said "it was fine" he said "any juicy details" i say "no" he said "okay where's the peter from yesterday" i look him in the eye and said "i don't want to talk about the date wade" he said "why what happened" i sigh and say "nothing i need to get to class i'll see you around" i go to walk away but wade grabbed my wrist and i pull away and walk to class.

Wades p.o.v
I find harry and he looked guilty i walk over and i said "what happened on yours and peter's date last night" he said "nothing" i said "bullshit now tell me" he sighed and said "he was frustrating me and i accidentally pushed him and he started freaking out and i felt terrible i still do and he won't tal-" i punch him and he fell backwards hitting his head on the lockers and i said "you go anywhere near peter i will kill you and that's a promise not a threat" and then i leave and walk into class.
I look at peter and he looked sad not like usual sad but just sad. After the bell rang harry walked into the classroom and i eyed him up and down and peter didn't even look he just kept his eye's on his desk outlining something with his finger. After class peter was one of the last one's out and harry was one of the first.
I wait for peter and he looked at me and walked with me i said "are you okay you look sad" he said "i'm fine for the 100th time today i'm okay" i said "okay dude you need to loosen up a bit" he said "how" i said "follow me" and then we left the school and he never leaves with me but today seemed different.
We drive to a far away drug store and i use my fake id to buy alcohol. I walk out of the store and he is sitting on the curb looking down at the parking lot i say "here" i pull a bottle out and hand it to him he said "and your just supposed to drink it" i nod and then he opened it and took a big drink of it and i was about to say something but he spit it out and i laugh and he was coughing.
He said "that's terrible" i said "take it easy and drink this before" while pulling out a coke. He did and he took a drink and i said "better" he said "kind of" i nod and by the time school was over the bottles were empty too and we are now at a park. Peter's phone rang and he didn't answer.
I say "hey shouldn't you answer that" he said "pfffttttttt nooooo it's noboodddyy" i smile and nod and said "well okay then" he said "you're a great friend wade" while he layed his head in my lap and his phone kept ringing.
I say "thank you i do try" he smiled and said "i missed you" while closing his eye's i smile and say "why would you miss me i have never been gone" he nodded and licked him lips and said "i mean i missed you as myself i haven't really been myself at all but i feel better" i nod and think about what he meant by that.

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