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2 year's later

I walk into the school and heard "hey pete" i nod and then walked to my locker and then harry walked up and kissed my neck and i smile.
I turn around and kiss him and he said "are we still on for tonight" i said "yeah of course" he smiled and then handed me a coffee and i said "i knew i kept you around for something" he smiled bigger and so did i.
He pecked me on the lips and said "i have to get to class i'll see you afterwards" i say "wouldn't be anywhere else" he walked away and i take a drink of my coffee and smile to myself and then close my locker and walk to class.
After school harry drives me home and said "i'll see you tonight gorgeous" i said "yes you will handsome" and then we kiss goodbye and then i step away from the car and he pulled away and i walk inside and heard "sup" i said "nothing" he said "how was school" i said "it was school i already know everything they are teaching" he nodded and said "just wait until college" i nod and then i walk to my room and close the door behind me.
So a few things 1 me and harry have been together for 1 year and today is our 2 year anniversary and 2 i've come to a realization that my mind just made up wade because i was lonely and nothing will change that.

I wait until 6 to get ready. First i take a shower and then get dressed and then try to style my hair.
At around 7 my phone rang and i look to see it's harry i answered and said "why hello good sir" he said "your chariot awaits" i said "i'll be out in a minute" while biting my lip and then he said "i'll be waiting" and then he hung up.
I leave my room leaving my phone here and walk out to the front door and see him and he's dressed nicely and i get in the car and we kiss and then drive to the restaurant having an amazing time in my opinion. While we were eating though it started raining. We quickly run to the car laughing. He drove me home and i kiss him goodbye and he said "i lov-" i say "i had a great time tonight" he nodded and said "can i ask you something" i said "yeah of course" he said "we've been dating for 2 years and not once have you introduced me to your parents or even told me you loved me are like ashamed of me or something" i sigh and said "no not at all it's just" i stop for a few minutes and he said "you know what you don't have to answer" i said "harry wa-" he said "it's fine peter okay i shouldn't of asked i'll see you tomorrow at school" i nod and said "yeah see you at school tomorrow" and then get out and step away from the car and he quickly pull away.
A few minutes later i'm still standing there my hair soaking wet and the front door opened and tony ran out and said "oh peter thank god" i smile and walk over and he said "what are you doing outside" i said "i just got back from my date with harry he literally pulled out as you were walking out" he smiled and nodded and then we walk inside and they were watching the news and it was on live broadcast mode and it was a guy in a red and black suit with swords on his back.
I said "who's that" tony looked and said "i don't know some psycho" i nod and then say "i'm gonna go to bed i'll see you in the morning" he nodded and said "goodnight" and then i walk to my room and close the door behind me and sigh i change into dry clothes and then i lay down ignoring the pile of homework laying on my desk from the past week that i haven't been able to do. Ever since the spider bite it's really hard for me to focus and to really do anything anymore i'm trying to make it look like it's not affecting me but it is my grades are going down and i haven't really felt connected to anything lately.
I fell asleep but woke up to my phone ringing. I open my eye's and look to see it's an unknown number i don't answer and then look at the time and see it's only 3. I ended up falling back asleep.
I wake up later though and quickly get up and get dressed and take the subway and am an hour late to school and then i realize i forgot my phone at home and i sigh and walk into school and go to the office and get a pass and then go to class. After school harry drove me home we didn't talk the entire way home.
He dropped me off and without even a goodbye he pulled away and i sigh. I walk through the front door and see steve he said "hey kid you look exhausted" i nod and said "i am" and then walked to my room and sat down my bookbag and change into something other then jeans and then sit down on my bed and let a breath out and grab my phone and see i have a voicemail.
I click on it and before i could press play my bedroom door opened and tony appeared. He said "hey i just thought that you should know that furry called us in" i nod and said "okay see you later" he said "later" and then he left and i lool down at my phone thinking about who it could be and then finally press play.

"Hey charles xavier it's wade here i hope you didn't forget about me because i sure didn't forget about you i am back for good this time and i promise that i won't leave this time i promise.
Well anyway the letter is still true petey just waiting on you now i'm staying at my old place if you wanna meet up for old times sake."

I stop the message and the phone falls out of my hand.
I get up and walk out of the room and they aren't gone yet and i walk to the front door and put my shoes on tony called out my name but my heart was beating to fast to answer or to even listen.
I walk to his apartment and wait outside. Well not so much wait but wait.
I stare at the metal plate telling me the number it is i go to knock but my fist stops just as it's about to his it my eye's are watering and my heart is pounding in my chest. I'm not ready i have a boyfriend i don't need him i am happy with harry not him he left me alone.
And then my hand twitched and it knocked on the door and a few seconds go by and it opened and the air was caught in my throat and he looked completely different but better then ever.
He said "i know your shocked by how beautiful i have become" i don't smile or laugh he looked down and said "yeah i know" i finally breath and my eye's are still watering about to fall i say "you left" he nodded and i said "you just left after that day without even saying goodbye" he said "i left you that note" i said "do you really think a piece of fucking paper is better then a goodbye" he said "i didn't want to see your face when it happened" i said "really that's why you didn't say goodbye" he nodded yeah and i said "and then that stupid voicemail" he said "i know i'm sorry" i said "your the first person that i loved wade the first person that i trusted after what happened i let you in i don't let people in i mean god i've been dating harry for 2 years and i've never told him half the crap i told you or even told him i loved him i never brought him into my house because you left after leaving there" he said "your dating harry" i say "do you only hear what you want to wade" he said "no and i feel terrible about what happened okay" i said "then show me" he said "i said sorry what else can i do" i look down don't cry don't cry don't cry.
He touched my shoulder and i pull it away and said "you don't get to comfort me" while looking back up and he said "peter your crying come in here" i said "no this was a mistake" and then i walk away.
I pull my phone out and call harry. He picked up and i said "can you please come pick me up" he said "yeah of course where are you" i tell him and he told me he was on his way and a few minutes later he picked me up and we drive away and he said "why do you look like you've been crying" i said "i love you" he looked over at me surprised and said "wh-what" i said "i don't like fighting with you i love you" he said "are you actually saying that or do you just want the fighting to stop" i said "i'm saying it because i actually mean it i don't like about stuff like that" he smiled and said "i love you too peter" i put on a fake smile and say "i'm happy with you" he smiled bigger and said "i'm happy with you too" i make my smile bigger and then my phone rang and i look to see it's tony.
I don't answer i just turn my phone off and said "can you drive me home" he nodded and then he turns around and we make it there and i get out and we kiss goodbye and i told him i would see him at school tomorrow and then he left and i walk into the house and see i'm home alone. I walk into my room and fall onto my bed and shove my face in my pillow and sob into it.
Why did he have to come back.
Why did he have to leave in the first place.

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