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A couple months later

Peter hasn't left the house since that one time when i brought him to shield with me.
He barely gets off the couch except for to use the bathroom and to eat. I have stayed with him but something feels different.
He feel distant.

Just then the tv went to an emergency broadcast and there was no way that you can change that unless you turn the tv off but peter has the remote and isn't changing it.
It was a robbery going on just a couple miles away. He just kept watching he didn't enjoy tv as much now as he did before getting taken his eye's usually just stayed in one place and not travelling all over the screen. I go to say something but peter got up and went to bathroom.
I grabbed the remote and turned the tv off and shoved the remote in the couch and few minutes later he walked back out kind of slumped over i said "hey do you wanna maybe go to th-" he nodded no and sat back down on the couch and i nod and then it went silent.
I ended up falling asleep.
But i wake up to talking i listen to it before i open my eye's and cut in.
"Peter you can't just live your life on this couch i get it you went through something terrible but that was months ago and you seem to be fine now" peter didn't say anything the person said "this a conversation peter your supposed to say something back tony has been going easy on you okay you need to start living life again you need to start sleeping in your own room going to school leaving the house sleeping normally" i finally open my eye's and see it's bruce talking i look around see no one else out here i get up and then i look at peter and he looked scared i say "i think you should leave" bruce was about to say something but i just point to the door and he sighed and looked back at peter and then looked at me and said "he's never going to recover from anything if you keep going at the rate your going tony" i don't say anything and he left and after the door closed i was about to say something but peter got up and walked to his room and i heard the door closed and i sigh and sit back down on the couch.
A few minutes later i heard a door open and nat appeared and she looked around and said "where did the kid go" i said "in his room i woke up to bruce talking to him telling him that he can't just live his life on the couch and he should be living his life as if nothing happened which i semi agree with but we don't even know half the crap he went through and to just tell him to live his life like nothing happened it's wrong he's going at the speed he's comfortable with you can't just force someone to feel better straight away he needs time" nat nodded and said "yeah that's understandable" i nod and then she said "but why is he in his room" i said "because bruce told him that he should start sleeping in his room and going to school" she nodded and said "yeah glad you kicked him out" i nod and then she walked into the kitchen and i stayed on the couch.

Peter's p.o.v
I curl up into my blanket and myself on my bed.
I lay like that for hour's not wanting to move. As the sun went down i heard the door open but i couldn't tell who it was because my back was facing the door but my heart sunk a little but it's just out of habit.
I heard "are you awake" i don't say anything he sighed and said "well if you are dinner is done" i still don't do anything.
I heard my door close and i close my eye's and cover my mouth with my blanket.

That night i heard "are you ready" i sit up and look around and don't see anything.
I lay back down and try to go to sleep but then i heard "it will only pinch a little" i open my eye's and then i heard "hurry he's waking up idiot i thought you gave him enough so that this wouldn't happen" i sit up again and look around and the air gets caught in my throat.
I lay back down now fully covering myself up completely i knew this wasn't real i knew it it's just some sick joke they are playing on me they have done it before why wouldn't they do it again. I don't know why i thought it was real. Maybe i wanted it so bad to be real that i tricked myself into thinking it was real.
I heard talking still and it was aldrich.
"Keep him still"
"Stop moving."
And then i felt someone grab onto me and i fight them away and kept saying don't touch me and then i heard whispering "shhh peter it's okay it's okay i'm here" and then i stop fighting and i open my eye's and i'm in tony's arm's god peter why do you have to be so messed up.
I let a shaky breath out and let my body relax a little. I quietly said "i'm sorry" he said "stop saying sorry you have nothing to be sorry about" i don't say anything because it isn't true i do have stuff to be sorry about.
I am sorry about not trying harder.
I am sorry about not being able to fight them off.
I am sorry about making you worry so much.
I am sorry that i scared you.

I didn't end up falling back asleep because now that feeling in the back of my head is back.
Telling me this isn't real that i'm still back at that place and i'm just hallucinating this. It might feel real and look real but they have advanced technology to make it seem real.

The sun came up and tony said "are you hungry" i said "can you leave me alone" he didn't answer for a few minutes but then said "are you sure" i nod and then he got up and said "i'll be out there if you need anything" i nod and then he left and i move into the same position as yesterday not wanting to see anyone seeing me.

A couple hour's later my door opened and i don't move.
I heard "peter can i talk to you" it was bucky which was weird. I sit up and he closed the door and sat next to me and said "i don't know what you've been through but i do know i went through some pretty messed up crap too" i don't do anything he said "there's no getting better but there is a light at the end of the tunnel there is going to be hard day's and easy day's but it's never gonna go away and i'm not trying to scare you i'm just telling the truth but you steve everyone in this house makes it easier everyday and i'm not telling you it's gonna feel better right after this conversation but it will get easier peter i can promise you that" i look at him in the eye's and he smiled at me and i hug him tight.
After a few minutes he pulled away and said "lunch is gonna be done soon" i nod and the he got up and left my room.

A few minutes later tony walked through my door and said "why are you up is everything okay" i nod yeah and then he said "well lunch is done if your hungry" i nod and get up and actually looked surprised. I leave the room and walk into the kitchen and make myself a plate and i saw bucky smiling at me.
I sit down at the table with everyone else and start eating and it's silent and afterwards i move to the couch with tony and watch tv and it wasn't anything interesting but i was okay with it. That night i get up and take a shower and when i walked out i see tony still sitting on the couch probably waiting for me i say "i'm going to bed" he looked and said "okay goodnight" i said "goodnight" and then walked into my room closing the door behind me and sat down on my bed.
I run a hand through my hair and let a breath out. I lay down and cover up and stare at the ceiling for a little while and then turn to my side and close my eye's and ended up falling asleep. I wake up to my door opening and i heard a sigh and then it closed and i instantly fell back asleep after hearing it close.
That morning i woke up by myself without freaking out and i smiled to myself. A few minutes later my smile was gone but it was a start and then my door opened and i saw tony and he looked surprised to see me up he said "uhh breakfast is done" i nod and then he left and i look at the wall outside of my room and then get up and walk out to the kitchen and get breakfast and eat it with everyone at the table.

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